Hi-Fi World June 2018
Hi-Fi World is an independently owned and run specialist hi-fi magazine, started by Noel Keywood, a highly respected technical journalist of thirty five years standing. Dedicated to equipment of all types, the emphasis is on 'affordable audiophile' kit which doesn't have to be expensive, but has to perform. Our readership is worldwide and diverse in nature, but all share a passion for music and the desire to hear it as enjoyably as possible. Run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, our commitment shows in everything from the rigorous technical measurements we undertake on almost every product reviewed to the weird and wonderful editorial mix. No product is too small or obscure; old and new, budget or high end, if it's great then
Hi-Fi World will say so!
Editorial: Let's Talk About Large Loudspeakers And Big Powerful Amplifiers
Editorial By Noel Keywood
7 News
Words from the world...
17 Competition
Your chance to win a Quad Vena amplifier worth £599.
32 Mail
Six pages of your views, wonderful as always...
44 World standards
Updated guide to the latest and greatest hi-fi hardware on sale.
54 Subscriptions
Ensure your copy every month and save money too!
11 Focal Kanta No2 Loudspeakers
Focal's new curvaceous Kanta No2 loudspeakers make a big impression on Jon Myles.
82 Audio Physic Classic 5
Slim yet potent – Germany's entry-level audio physic floortstanders produce a refined sound, says Jon Myles.
25 Rotel RA-1572 Amplifier /
RCD-1572 CD Player
Rotel's latest amplifier and CD combination, tested out
By Noel Keywood.
19 Audio Technica ATH-ADX5000 Headphones
Noel Keywood tries out audio Technica's latest over-ear headphones.
51 Sennheiser Ambeo Smart Headset
Binaural sound proves a revelation on Sennheiser's new Ambeo headset. Martin pipe explains all.
57 Hi-Diamond 7 Cables
Seriously good loudspeaker cables from Italy's hi-diamond. Jon Myles plugs them in and enjoys.
41 Audio Jumble
Martin pipe hunts out the bargains at the latest Audiojumble, Tonbridge, Kent.
75 FiiO l28 Coaxial Cable FiiO RC/MMCX
Two ways to improve the sound from your mobile player.
Olde Worlde
59 Sony D22 Discman
Sony's classic D22 Discman gets a thorough review from martin pipe.
84 News
All the latest and greatest vinyl releases for you, from the pen of Paul Rigby.
87 Cambridge Audio Duo Phonostage
A classy phonostage from Cambridge audio proves a bargain, says noel Keywood.
93 Audiophile Book Review – Passion for
Vinyl II
Paul Rigby on a new book that explains why vinyl is still the medium of choice for music lovers around the world.
And More…
62 Audiophile CD
Paul Rigby rounds up the latest audiophile cd releases
65, 67, 69, 71, And 73 Opinion
The team get to grips with matters music, hi-fi and life!
76 World Classics
Brilliant designs that have stood the test of time...
90 Dial-A-Dealer
A comprehensive guide to UK hi-fi retailers
95 Classifieds
Second-hand bargains.
96 Next Month
What we hope to bring you in the next sizzling issue...
97 Advertisers' Index
98 Classic Cuts
Paul Rigby looks back at Brinsley Scwharz's classic nervous on the road album.
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