High-End Audio / Audiophile Equipment
Reviews And Think Pieces
April 2020
Live! AXPONA 2020 High-End Audio
Press Center
High-end audio industry's official Press
Center for AXPONA 2020.
Enjoy the Music.com
is once again high-end audio's official press center for AXPONA. As we did
during AXPONA 2016 and AXPONA
2018, plus CES 2016 and CES
2017, during AXPONA 2020 provide show promoters, exhibitors,
members of the industry and our worldwide readership important information they crave. We're offering press releases from high-end audio and Hi-Res Audio
manufacturers taking part at AXPONA 2020
---> See High-End Audio's
official AXPONA 2020 Press Center.

Streams Now Available For On-Demand Viewing
Enjoy the Music.com To Rebroadcast Our Live Stream Of Blues Masters At The Crossroads 2014
The 2014 Blues
Masters at the Crossroads event at Blue
Heaven Studios, celebrating the 17th year as the preeminent authentic
Blues concert in the world, featured performances by Rip Lee Pryor, Moreland &
Arbuckle, Marquise Knox, Big George Brock, Kim Wilson, Joe Beard, Lazy Lester, Mighty Sam McClain, Sonny Green, Kim Wilson with Billy Flynn, and Bernard Allison.
Taking place in Salina, Kansas, October 17th and 18th (2014) at a converted 1925 church sanctuary, the
musical gospel continues to resonate within the walls of this historic
Read more and watch our Blues Masters live stream.
Our Largest
Review Magazine In History!
Plus I shoulda bought a high-end music system.
Stuck at home during Staycation 2020? Well then, it's time to buy a great hi-fi system!
By Steven R. Rochlin
coding fingers are raw to the bone! The April 2020 issue of Enjoy the
Music.com's Review Magazine is the largest we've ever done in our 25
years history! The many new writers we've hired are finally chiming in! Blame me
for not announcing every new hire, as we've been on a spree as of late and want
to take a moment to point out our youngest reviewer, plus a 'new guy' who I've
known for decades!
Read more about Enjoy the Music.com's largest issue in history.
Coronavirus And High-End Audio
The last few weeks have turned our world a bit topsy-turvy.
By Steven R. Rochlin
that happened. The past month has been extremely eventful for
everyone around the world. As this article will be online for decades, please
allow me a moment to put this article into some context. The Coronavirus
(Covid-19) has affected many people throughout the world. It has also caused the
cancellation, or delay, of a variety of shows from high-end audio and mechanical
timepieces to cars, etc. Summertime music concert tours have also been canceled,
or at the very least delayed.
---> Read more
about the Coronavirus and high-end audio.
Plenty Of Time To Enjoy The Music
Roger Skoff tells how to turn a lemon into lemonade.
By Roger Skoff
like everyone I know is staying home lately. Either they're sick; afraid of
getting sick; afraid they might unknowingly contract or carry the Coronavirus to
someone else just by getting too close; or just staying home because the
government (at every level, from the most local to all-the-way up) is telling
them to. Besides, with just about every kind of social or recreational business,
event, or activity shut down and just about every restaurant, bar, or bowling
alley closed or restricted, there's really no place to go – especially if one
of those businesses or events happens to be how they make their living.
---> Read
more about making plenty of time for music.

Immersive: The New Gold Standard Of
The sonic search is an exciting journey!
By Dennis Baxter
The evolution of audio in broadcasting and film has paralleled the increase in the number of audio record and transmit channels available in the ecosystem. Analog satellite technology provided two channels of audio and often one channel was for a full program and one channel for the program without commentary – hence mono audio except for special
events. Through the early 1980s, stereo was often electronically processed from mono and original surround sound was processing from two channels to create five channels of
Read more about immersive sound as the Gold standard.

Why Hi-Fi Part 2
Article By Gary Alan Baker Of HiFiAudio.Guru
When I decided to continue these little periodic chats as a glimpse into the mind of an audiophile, I thought why not continue on the same subject:
"Why Hi-Fi?" After all, that is really what it all is about, why the obsession, why the expense, why continue looking for that perfect formula. I say periodic since I
don't know the regularity of this column, as it is really about inspiration and of course available time (writing for and editing two magazines does take its toll).
Read more of Gary Alan Baker's Why Hi-Fi article.

POV: A New Understanding Of Diffusion
It's a far more complex concept than absorption is, and here's why.
Article By Jim DeGrandis Of Acoustics First Corporation
In decades past, traditional barrel and pyramidal sound
diffusers had their acoustical specifications presented with absorption
coefficients as the only available acoustical data. This was handy for
low-frequency control applications or targeting particular "bumps" in a room
without adding too much absorption, which could make a room too dry. Toward the end of the 20th century, more than one
acoustical company began to use graphed polar plots of various diffusion devices
to illustrate where sound was being redirected when it reflected off a device's surface. It could be
"visualized" from that information.
Read more about measuring diffusers.
What It Takes To Make Our
Review Magazine
A special sneak peek look into the inner workings...
Article By Steven R. Rochlin
Getting out a new issue of the
the Music.com Review Magazine takes much effort and
concentration. First comes the many hours of deep meditation. As is customary, a
minimum of four hours are spent each and every day seeking the divine wisdom to
the Audio G-ds. We search only for His knowledge and wisdom as handed down to us
though the ages.
---> Read more about what it
takes to make our Review Magazine.
"I Suspect My Tastes Are More Esoteric Than
Said a show attendee to me during FLAX 2020.
By Steven R. Rochlin
many comedians, audio journalists get great article (joke) ideas during our
experience within the world we experience around us. Am sure our readers know
that the Florida Audio Expo (FLAX) the past month was a resounding success!
Exhibit rooms were up ~50%(!), from around 44 in 2019 to 61 in 2020 as I recall.
The mix of attendees are also perhaps one of the most vibrant and varied of any
American event too!
Read more about attending FLAX 2020.
How To Waste Money By Saving It
Roger Skoff writes about buying a music
By Roger Skoff
I was married when I bought my first really good stereo component, an
ultra-high-end (for the 1980s) preamp that been highly praised in a review by
Harry Pearson, and that I was able to buy – unheard and unseen – through a
friend in the industry, at a very good price. Even with the friendly discount,
it was still a lot of money, though, and the way I justified it to my wife was
by telling her that it was a "state-of-the-art" piece, and that we could,
therefore, be sure to have and enjoy it for many years to come, without
ever needing to buy anything better.
---> Read
more about making a wise investment in high-end audio.

Understanding Digital Room Correction
Article By Mitch Barnett Of Accurate Sound
Digital Room Correction (DRC) is an often misunderstood subject area. I have
seen many articles written on the subject that don't answer basic questions such
as what problem is DRC trying to solve? How does DRC work? And why, as an
audiophile, should I care? This article endeavors to answer these questions.
Let's start off with what problem DRC is trying to solve.
One can identify the problem fairly quickly by listening to the bass response of
your loudspeakers in your room. Try it along with me.
Read more about understanding room correction.

Interview With Art Dudley
Listener Magazine Head Honcho And All Around Great Guy!
Interview By Steven R. Rochlin
magazine began life
in 1994 as an inspiration from a deep love of music. As a musician, Art Dudley (with
the assistance of his wife Janet) threw caution to the wind and began venturing
into the wonderful world of print publication. Listener magazine had a virtually
cult-like following reaching readers that desired an alternative to super
mega-buck products and perceived advertorials as found in other media. In
December of 1999 Belvoir Publications bought Listener from Art Dudley,
keeping him as editor and allowing the magazine's writers and its direction to remain
---> Read our interview with Listener's
Art Dudley at this link.

10 Questions For High-End
Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Benjamin Zwickel, Owner of Mojo Audio
Enjoy the Music.com's 25th
Anniversary special feature!
Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various
high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may
surprise you! This month we're featuring Benjamin Zwickel, Owner of Mojo Audio
Inc. The company's products are engineered to sound natural, musical, and coherent. We never use voicing or attractive distortions to impress or enhance. Rather, we seek to create the most musically transparent products possible. They strive to have the simplest signal path, the highest performance power supplies, the lowest resonance, the best shielding, and best grounding
Read more about Benjamin Zwickel, Owner of Mojo Audio.

10 Questions For High-End
Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Florian Cossy, CEO Of CH Precision
Enjoy the Music.com's 25th
Anniversary special feature!
Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various
high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may
surprise you! This month we're featuring Florian Cossy, CEO Of CH Precision. Each and every CH Precision circuit is designed with a single goal – to touch the signal as little as possible. It sounds simple and in some ways it is, at least on a conceptual level. But it also means accepting that conventional approaches and accepted practice fall well short of that
Read more about Florian Cossy, CEO of CH Precision.

10 Questions For High-End
Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Jeff Poggi, Co-CEO Of Audio Research
Enjoy the Music.com's 25th
Anniversary special feature!
Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various
high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may
surprise you! This month we're featuring Jeff Poggi, Co-CEO Of Audio Research. Audio Research is one of the oldest continually operating manufacturers in American audio. The company was founded in 1970 in Minneapolis with one goal in mind: to advance the state-of-the-art in music reproduction. Today, Audio Research remains a performance-oriented company by philosophy and design.
Read more about Jeff Poggi, Co-CEO of Audio Research.

10 Questions For High-End
Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Nelson Pass Of Pass Labs And
First Watt
Enjoy the Music.com's 25th
Anniversary special feature!
Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various
high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may
surprise you! This month we're featuring Nelson Pass of Pass Labs. Pass
Laboratories was founded in 1991 by Nelson Pass. Operating out of his shop at home, Pass developed prototypes of a single-ended Class A amplifier design. At the same time, he and Mike Burley were constructing an in-house machine shop with three home-built CNC milling machines with which to produce the amplifiers when the design was finished. The first product, the Aleph 0, shipped in 1992.
Read more about Nelson Pass of Pass Labs and First Watt.

10 Questions For High-End
Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Norbert Lindemann Of Lindemann
Enjoy the Music.com's 25th
Anniversary special feature!
Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various
high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may
surprise you! This month we're featuring Norbert Lindemann of Lindemann Audio. The development of
their products fall back on a wealth of experience gathered in 25 years of building loudspeakers, amplifiers and digital sources. At
Lindemann Audio, new products are created by means of the most advanced design tools and measuring methods.
Read more about Norbert Lindemann of Lindemann Audio.

10 Questions For High-End
Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Yoav Geva, Chief Engineer At YG Acoustics
Enjoy the Music.com's 25th
Anniversary special feature!
Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various
high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may
surprise you! This month we're featuring Yoav Geva, Chief Engineer at YG
Acoustics. Founded in 2002, YG Acoustics is recognized as one of the most prominent companies in the high-end audio industry, a pioneer whose technical advancements remain
unmatched. They strive to provide the best performance, cutting-edge technology, value, reliability and exceptional customer service.
Read more about Yoav Geva, Chief Engineer at YG Acoustics.

10 Questions For High-End
Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Greg Roberts Of Volti Audio
Enjoy the Music.com's 25th
Anniversary special feature!
Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various
high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may
surprise you! This month we're featuring Greg Roberts of Volti Audio. He started back in 2009 building upgrade parts for Klipsch Khorn speakers, which is still a part of his business today. Parts developed for Khorns led Greg into his first complete speaker design, the
Read more about Greg Roberts of Volti Audio.

10 Questions For High-End
Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Scott Bierfeldt, Founder Of Verdant Audio
Enjoy the Music.com's 25th
Anniversary special feature!
Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various
high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may
surprise you! This month we're featuring Scott Bierfeldt, Founder of Verdant Audio.
As part of their mission, Verdant products are all assembled in the USA and as many parts are manufactured or sourced from USA-based companies wherever
Read more about Scott Bierfeldt, Founder of Verdant Audio.
DAW, Audiophile / HT And
Gaming Bed
Nearfield audio mastering
/ gaming bed for those on Staycation 2020.
By Steven R. Rochlin
Wake up and move from bed to desk in a matter of seconds as your bed 'transforms' into a digital audio workstation
(DAW nearfield monitors. It can also be used as a gaming bed as well. In addition, those who add more speakers may enjoy a truly immersive
experience! Stuck in Staycation 2020 due to the Coronavirus? This problem is solved by The Gamebed from Japan. It features a lifting headboard that adds functional storage to the bedside and a bed desk that can be set at the foot of a single bed.
Read more Bauhutte DAW, Audiophile / HT and Gaming Bed.
McDonald's Limited Edition Scented Candles
Celebrate Staycation
by enjoying the scent of delicious fast-food.
By Steven R. Rochlin
If you're missing that glorious fast-food feeling while on Staycation 2020 due to the Coronavirus, McDonald's is here to help. For a limited time, McDonald's is offering a special six-pack of scented candles. This limited edition set of six custom scented candles in glass containers is inspired by Quarter Pounder
ingredients: Bun, Ketchup, Pickle, Cheese, Onion, and 100% Fresh Beef.
Read more about McDonald's limited edition scented candles.
Toilet Paper DIY Separator 8467
DIY project doubles your money with this ingenious TP
Article By Steven R. Rochlin
Introducing the
cost-savings Toilet Paper Splitter for those on Staycation 2020. As many know,
finding a roll of TP is a challenge during these tough times due to the
Coronavirus. The incredible TP Separator 8467 quickly separates your two-ply
toilet paper into two individual rolls!
Read More about the Toilet Paper DIY Separator 8467.

World Premiere Review!
Chesapeake Crab Chips
potato chips for the discerning
Article And Review By Rick Becker
this time of the Coronavirus pandemic when audio shows around the world have
been cancelled and product review samples are hard to come by, I'd like to take
this opportunity to share a review of my epicurean road food. Those familiar
with my audio show reports are well aware of my disdain for public transport,
preferring to travel in my humble Hotel Tracker SUV or simply hoof it for
shorter distances such as mountain ascents.
---> Read more
our Chesapeake Crab Chip article here.
Officine Panerai Luminor GMT 44MM PAM01033
Wear a bit of Italian history on your wrist.
By Steven R. Rochlin
Panerai watches are a natural blend of Italian design, Swiss technology, and passion for the sea says the company. Also known as Officine Panerai, this luxurious Italian watch manufacturer was founded by Giovanni Panerai within Florence, Italy,
back in 1860.
Read more about Officine Panerai's Luminor GMT PAM01033.
Golden Hills Coffee Roasters
A coffee and espresso lovers dream bean.
By Steven R. Rochlin
Based in
sunny Groveland, Florida, you'll find Golden Hills Coffee Roasters who are a family-owned company roasting custom blends of
specially prepared and roasted coffee beans for both Americana and espresso. Their artisan handcrafted micro coffee roasting is done by hand, in the classic method, which allows them to carefully control the process using sight, sound and smell for every part of the roasting process. They feel that the fresher your coffee, the better. And that's why they do roasts each
---> Read
more about Golden Hills Coffee Roasters.

Timex Marlin Automatic 40mm Timepiece
An automatic
mechanical timepiece does not need to cost a fortune.
By Steven R. Rochlin
Here's proof that luxurious, and classic, styling does not need to
cost a fortune for an automatic wind mechanical timepiece. Timex's Marlin Automatic 40mm leather strap watch ($249, TW2T22800Z) won't be the most accurate, or finely
decorated movement watch, yet is a great entry-level timepiece from a longstanding
brand. Timex's iconic 1960s Marlin case gets an aesthetic refresh for 2020. Ticking inside is a tried and true 21 jewel automatic movement, creating a contemporary timepiece that honors the company's
watch-making history.
Read more about Timex's Marlin automatic 40mm timepiece.
World Premiere Review!
Endow Audio T35 Point-Array Loudspeakers
Exceptionally well made with impressive on- and off-axis sound.
Review By Brett Rudolph
Last month I
had the fortune of being asked to review new speakers from Endow, which made
their debut at the Florida Audio Expo
2020. Endow Audio's T35s loudspeakers,
according to the company, represents the same quality at a substantially reduced
price without cutting corners. Indeed, they are certainly visually a sight to
behold.... The engineering itself was fascinating; Endow utilized
multiple drivers in various phases and closed baffle in a very non-trivial
design to allow for a very expansive off-axis listening field.
Read our review of the Endow Audio T35 loudspeakers.
Kronos Sparta Super Capacitor Power Supply
Making the already exceptional truly exemplary!
Review By Greg Weaver
Typically, I
open my reviews with technical information and engineering background on the
product under examination before I address its sonic attributes. However, my
experience with the new Kronos Sparta Super Capacitor Power Supply (SSCPS) was
so remarkable and brought such starkly positive change, to such an already
overachieving turntable, that I had trouble believing it. After its
installation, within the first ten seconds of my original needle drop, I was so
floored by what I was hearing that I was almost speechless. If you knew me, you'd
realize just how significant that is; I'm rarely at a loss for words!
Read our review of Kronos' Sparta Super Capacitor Power Supply.
Sonus Faber Il Cremonese
Sonus Faber's Il Cremonese speakers tell a story, and the more you listen, the more you not only get lost in the music, you appreciate and admire both in the story and the telling of it.
Review By Jules Coleman
If there is
anything obvious about obvious truths, it is their truth. Nothing else about
them need be, and often nothing else is. Moreover, some obvious truths are
obvious only in retrospect. Obvious truths – truisms – can be revealing,
insightful and even important. Take what is certainly one of audio's most obvious truisms: an audio system is,
after all, a system! Patently obvious? Yes. Uninteresting or unimportant?
Read our review of the Sonus Faber Il Cremonese speakers.
Triangle Art Anubis Turntable
& Osiris Mk. 2 Arm
Enjoy music presented with harmonic density, dynamics,
and more.
Review By Robert May
The venerable
turntable, uniquely among the components of an audio system, presents a
fundamentally mechanical design problem. Since a turntable is nothing other than
a mass in a spinning motion, the problem is how stability is to be maintained to
very close tolerances. If the stylus is to make a complete and accurate read of
the record, then in principle nothing extraneous should interfere with its
reading the message from the grooves. Approaching this "perfect" interface is
the art and science of successful engineering of a turntable design.
Read our review of Triangle Art's Anubis turntable/tonearm.
Sonus Faber Nova II Floorstanding Speakers
These are immensely sexy speakers with the build quality, and attention to detail, that you would expect
on an Italian sports car.
Review By Dean Cacioppo
Let's get
this started with a hi-fi thought exercise. When does a loudspeaker become
something that is considered a luxury item? Is $1000 per pair of speakers a
luxury item? How about a $5000 pair? What about those that are priced at
$100,000? Although we all may have a different idea of what luxury is, we all
know when we are in the presence of something that is truly luxurious.
Read our review of the Sonus Faber's Nova II floorstanders.
Soulution 511 Stereo Amplifier
An iron fist in a velvet glove.
Review By
Phil Gold
I've written
before about Soulution Audio, the high end Swiss manufacturer. Their entry level
amp, the 330 Integrated Amp, was the subject of my 2018 review and
I admit to being astonished at its capabilities. My conclusion ran "when
the recording is of the highest caliber, the 330 is sensationally good over
virtually every dimension of sound that I can think of, and I give it my fullest
recommendation for an integrated amplifier. I have never been sadder to have to
pack up a review component".
Read our review of Soulution's 511 stereo amplifier.
Synergistic Research PowerCell ONE Line Conditioner
Common mode noise reduction and a complementary dose of Synergistic Research technology might be just the thing.
Review By Bruce Kinch Of Positive Feedback
Just a mere month ago,
Audio Tourism looked like the next new thing. Given the continuing demise of
brick-and-mortar retail salons, regional, national, and international audio
shows were popping up all over — how brilliant was having a show in Florida in
February, not in Miami, not in Orlando, and not during school vacation week? But then, comes March, and out of China spreads the
coronavirus pandemic.
Read PF's Synergistic Research PowerCell ONE Line Conditioner review.
KEF LS50 Active Wireless Speaker System
bookshelf speakers still tower over much of the competition.
Review By Rogier van Bakel
long had a predilection for prix-fixe meals. And why not? Hacking your
own path through the culinary scene is fine, but it might be unwise to turn up
your nose at three or four courses pre-selected by a talented chef. I don't
presume to know his cooking better than he does, so if he tells me that the
suggested dishes are his way of combining quality ingredients, his special skill
in preparing them, and a reasonable bill at the end, I'm in.
Read our review of KEF's LS50 active wireless speakers.
Audience Forte V8 Power And forte f3 Power
Clean power at an affordable price.
Review By Dr. Jules Coleman
is no doubt that the quality of electrical power is a limiting factor in the
performance of an audio system. I learned this lesson the hard way. In the mid
to late 1970s, while living in Milwaukee, I had put together what at the time
was a high-end system featuring an early version of the Magnepan Tympani
loudspeakers, a Connoisseur Turntable with a Formula 4 arm and a Decca Plum
cartridge. Between the TT and speakers, I employed as many different high
powered amplifiers as I could get my hands on.
Read our review of Audience's Forte V8 & forte f3 Power Chord.
World Premiere Review!
LIRPA DDRX - 401 Reference Converter
Eating one's cake and having it too. A quantum leap in progress.
Review By Claude LeMero
If you follow the near
endless digital evolution, you are well-aware that the days of the Red Book
16-bit/44kHz limits are long gone and we are now starting to take for granted
the Internet's pluralism of HD audio files in 24-bit/96kHz and 24-bit/192kHz
resolution. Yet as we progress in numerical terms, many audiophiles are still
clinging to their trusted vinyl. They are not satisfied with the numerous
digital alternatives out there.
---> Read more about LIRPA's DDRX - 401 Reference
World Premiere Review!
Audio Analogue aaDAC Hi-Res Audio
The converter to beat within this price range.
Review By Tom Lyle
Analogue's aaDAC digital-to-analog converter is the latest high-end audio
component from their PureAA line, which also includes their AAcento integrated
amplifier and AAphono phono preamplifier. Audio Analogue says on their website "the aaDAC is a product that perfectly fits in the Audio Analogue philosophy:
its simple design, its remarkable sound performances and its great care for the
finish and the materials and parts selection, make it a perfect partner for your
digital sources".
---> Read our
review of the Audio Analogue aaDAC Hi-Res DAC.

Digital Amplifier Company 2-CHerry Power Amplifier
The light amp that packs a heavy punch!
Review By Frank Garofalo
time as an audiophile to date, I've always had the impression that Class D
amplification is just simply inferior to Class A or Class A/B amplification.
That impression was influenced by educating myself in the various topics of
audio, and through lurking on many online forums including topics about Class D
amplification.... While this may be true for common off-the-shelf Class
D modules that
may be found in A/V receivers and the like, this is certainly not the
case for the 2-CHerry Power Amplifier.
Read our review of Digital Amplifier Company's 2-CHerry amp.

Premiere Review!
Sozy Wulkmun High-Rez Audio Turntable
Freeing your music has never been easier!
Review By Nilhcor R. Nevets
I'll make this preview brief as spy photos and an advanced copy of their upcoming advertisement just hit my desk. While
I'm bound to this desktop torture getting this story out fast, your music LPs soon will have a newfound freedom away from their homeward bondage. With vinyl LP sales experiencing double-digit growth, it appears that the LP is once again becoming a major force within the music industry.
Learn more about Sozy's Wulkmun High-Rez audio turntable.

World Premiere Review!
Lindemann Musicbook SOURCE And POWER 500
Beautify, simplify, electrify... may the SOURCE be with you.
Review By Clive Meakins
The old days are gone... well,
almost. How many of us still have piles of audio equipment connected via cable
spaghetti? Is it crazy to dream of simplifying Hi-Fi systems into a very few
items of equipment? Doesn't such simplicity come at the expense of quality?
There are of course economies in reducing the Hi-Fi box count; chassis costs are
high so fewer of these should result in a major saving. Reducing the number of
power supplies is beneficial too as is directly connecting circuits internally
which can cut the costs associated with providing external connectivity.
Read our Lindemann Musicbook SOURCE & POWER 500 review.
World Premiere Review!
Monoprice Monolith Liquid Gold X
Return Of The King: Monoprice and Alex Cavalli
resurrect the legendary Liquid Gold.
Review By Dave Hanson
Cavalli Liquid Gold holds legendary status within the personal audio community.
I remember when I first entered into the hobby the Liquid Gold felt like the
very definition of ultra-high-end unobtanium. Among many within the hobby, it
was considered the king of headphone amplifiers. My first encounter with the
Liquid Gold was at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in
2015. I remember vividly how it
gave headphones a tremendous sense of body, a level of holographic imaging and
transparency I had never heard before.
Read our review of Monoprice's Monolith Liquid Gold X.
Schiit Bifrost 2 DAC
& Ragnarok 2 Nexus
Int. Amp.
A true multi-bit Hi-Res Audio DAC meets Nexus-level amplification.
Review By Ron Nagle
it's pronounced, SHIT! There is no person with that name associated in any way with
this relatively new company. Would you think of this as a name for a startup? As it
happened this Schiit company started in 2010 when two audio industry veterans
decided it was time to produce their Shiit audio products. The two audiophiles
are Jason Stoddard, formerly of Sumo Audio, and Mike Moffat, formerly of Theta
Audio. They began with a nascent idea to build highly innovative Audiophile
quality components at a reasonable price. So how do you tell people how they
Read our Schiit Bifrost 2 DAC & Ragnarok 2 Nexus int. amp review.
Tweaking Without Limits
For your special April 1 celebration.
Article By Jeff Poth
Sometimes, dear reader, we hear of tweaks that leave us scratching our heads- how could anyone be so foolish? The
HST, or Head Scratch Threshold varies by person — some would lump cables in here (not me!) and some would say that the quantum effects touted by some are totally legit. Many times, perhaps even most of the time, these tweaks are as phoney as a stuffed mermaid. But in some cases, it is simply a lack of understanding that leads to dismissive attitudes.
---> Read more about
tweaking without limits.
Focal Chora 806 Stand-Mounted Loudspeakers
'Slatefiber' cones are the talking point for the latest affordable range from the French speaker specialists. Kevin Fiske was looking forward to getting to grips with this bookshelf model.
Review By Kevin Fiske Of HIFICRITIC
At a retail price of £600, or a sub-£400 street price on eBay,
Focal's new Chora 806 two-way bookshelf speaker is an intriguing package. Engineered and built by the French manufacturer in the same facility at Saint-Étienne that makes the £130,000 Focal Grande Utopia III Evo, the Chora 806 is intended, says Focal, as an
uber-affordable first rung on the audio ladder. The visual cues offered by the 806 speakers say
'stand mounter,' but it is a mistake to ignore the word 'bookshelf' in the product name.
Read our review of the Focal Chora 806 speakers.
Audio Research DAC9 Digital-To-Analog Converter
An organic sound that draws you into the music.
Review By Tom Lyle
past summer I was in a showroom auditioning a new line of speakers that included
a system that was made up of mostly Audio Research components. Even though I
heard four other products from that same line of speakers that day, it was their
smallest model that impressed me the most. As it just so happens, this system
included the Audio Research DAC9 digital-to-analog converter that is the focus
of this review.
Read our Audio Research DAC9 Hi-Res DAC review.
Musical Fidelity M6s Stereo DAC Review
A solution for almost every problem? On paper, Musical Fidelity's new M6sDAC fulfills just about every possible requirement for this type of device.
Review By Michael Lang Of STEREO Magazine
For years, D/A converters were an endangered species. Many a manufacturer who had focused his attention on these devices has by now vanished into oblivion. However, as soon as DAC sales hit rock bottom they experienced a comeback of unprecedented proportions. Hardly surprising when considering the large number of digital devices nowadays are used for music playback.
Read our review of Musical Fidelity's M6s stereo DAC.
Nessie Vinylcleaner Pro LP Washer /
Far more fun than washing the dishes!
An elegant and effective record cleaning machine too!
Review By Rick Becker
the early 1990's, as I was starting my audiophile journey, I scurried from
garage sale to garage sale collecting old LPs that people were dumping in the
belief that vinyl was dead. Having bartered for a vintage Linn LP12, vinyl was
just being born in my mind as I purchased records for dimes on the dollar that I
couldn't afford "back in the day." Even though I inspected each one before
purchasing, it was clear that most needed cleaning – dust and fingerprints
being the biggest culprits, and sometimes mold.
Read our Nessie Vinylcleaner Pro LP washer / cleaner review.
Audience aR6-T4 Power Conditioner
With upgraded frontRow powerChords and standard powerChord
Review By Dr. Matthew Clott
opportunity to review new models of familiar equipment is similar to catching up
with an old friend. I have enjoyed, owned and respected Audience cables and
conditioners since the original Adept Response was released and the "Original"
powerChord first hit the proverbial scene. The Au24 power cables were the
epitome of neutrality and their speaker wire and interconnects magically
conveyed the full auditory picture in an inconceivably thin cable that defied
logic and belied current trends of bigger must be better cable etiologies.
Read our review Audience's aR6-T4 power conditioner.

Bowers & Wilkins Formation
Duo System Review
A new audiophile
Review By Bob Grossman
Bowers & Wilkins
Formation System is a recent development in a self powered and streaming type of
music system that comes from the highly regarded and prestigious firm of Bowers & Wilkins.
The design is multi faceted and has numerous speaker choices and applications to
make it very user friendly. Because of the highly sophisticated design, all of
the speakers have the ability to be linked to operate together throughout the
home locations or separately in various zones which can easily be switched to
independent choices of music.
Read our review of Bowers & Wilkins' Formation Duo system.

Complete System Review! Total System $5475!
Featuring Focal Chora 826 speakers, Outlaw 2160 integrated
amplifer, Bluesound NODE 2i Music Server, SVS SB 2000 active subwoofers, and Kimber
Review By Frank Iacone Of HiFiAudio.Guru
first system review for the HiFiAudio.Guru was my first venture into a
complete HiFi system review in over 15 years. Selecting new components
for this review was exciting and brought back memories of when I had a dedicated
listening room. When my middle daughter moved out to attend medical
school, I saw the opportunity to maximize utility and use the room on
the second floor for our new dedicated listening room. The room, measuring
14.5' x 20', is perfect for listening to music.
---> Read more about
this $5475 hi-fi system.
StereoPravda SPearphone SB-3.5
Audiophile in-ear monitors
Review By Alan Gary Barker Of Headphone.Guru
SPearphone SB-3.5 is the latest product of Russian manufacturer StereoPravda,
one of the more unique IEM manufacturers I have come in contact with. Their
no-compromise, no-holds-barred approach to audio has made them unique in several
ways. For one, their IEMs are not jewelry, they are not even pretty, if that is
what you are looking for, then look elsewhere. Also, since they are designed to
fit deep into your ear canal, along with their almost comically large speaker
cables, they are not exactly comfortable, and I, for one, would be hesitant to
wear them out jogging.
Read our review of StereoPravda's SPearphone SB-3.5.

World Premiere Review!
Vincent SP-332 Stereo Hybrid Power Amplifier
Proving amplifier burn-in will deliver delightful results!
Review By Ron Nagle
every month I see Vincent Audio within the Audio Adviser catalog sent to
my mailbox. But of course there are other retailers that sell Vincent audio
components. Just to name two, you can check out Upscale Audio and of course
Amazon too.... Although the SP-332 stereo solid-state amplifier as
reviewed here is the latest iteration of the Vincent Hybrid amplifier line, it
was in fact preceded by two earlier versions. First was the SP-331, and later
the SP-331MK amplifiers.
Read our Vincent SP-332 stereo hybrid amplifier review.
AGD "The Audion" GaNTube Monoblocks
Class D reaches the upper echelon of high-end audio.
Review By Rick Becker
at the turn of the millennium you could put together a pretty good audio system
for $10,000, and you could listen to many of those components in a local brick
& mortar store if you lived in a decent size city. Sure there was some
stratospherically priced gear in the $10,000 to $20,000 range you might
be able to see if you went to one of the audio shows on the left or right
coasts. Then along came "quantitative easing" and the internet. Gear got more
expensive, the brick & mortar landscape eroded and major as well as regional
audio shows proliferated.
Read our review of AGD "The Audion" GaNTube monoblocks.
Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable
Easy to set up and very easy to use. You will not be disappointed.
Review By Tom Lyle
the technology advances, it's only natural for any decent audio manufacturer to
take advantage of this new technology. And so, when Pro-Ject was faced with
improving upon their Debut and Xpression series of turntables, which are both
very successful designs, they decided to, in their words, "improve on the
technologies that had already been established". As a result, Pro-Ject
introduced their X1 and X2 turntables. The X2, the subject of this review,
besides many other improvements, makes the most of higher quality raw
materials to use in its production (even though they are more difficult to
Read our review of Pro-Ject's X2 vinyl LP turntable.
Triode Connected Pentodes
Article By Herb Reichert of Eddy Electronic Inc.
From Sound Practices
Issue 2, Fall 1992
Back in 1955, some of the big audio
issues were: Which provides higher fidelity, triodes or pentodes? Feedback or no feedback?
Active or passive? Solid core or stranded wire? Does this all sound familiar? It was in this climate that
D.T. Williamson's amp arrived. The old guard believed that there was no substitute for 2A3s push-pull. But
the hot issue in the audio mags was high power. High power back then was only 20-30
Watts, but it was thought that the extra
headroom contributed to a sense of effortlessness. The Williamson amp tried to be both.
---> Read Herb
Reichert's article about triode connected pentodes.

It Is Not A Gang, It Is A Club
Editorial From VALVE Issue 1 /
2, February 1994
A sampling of tube amplifier prices
from the October 1993 Stereophile Recommended Components list: Air Tight ATM-2 $6995,
ARC Classic 60 $3995,
Sonic Frontiers SFS-80 $2895. Yes, the price of admission to the
world of euphonic, liquid midrange is plainly exorbitant. Handcrafting, limited production, and hype all
work to drive the price of new tube equipment ever higher. But what about used gear?
---> Read more about VALVE magazine.

Digital Amplifier Company MEGAschino Stereo
Tommy O'Brien's Class D amplification is a total success.
Review By Jeremy R. Kipnis At Kipnis Studios (KSS)
You're sitting there, quietly listening to a favorite album,
when... BAM, something catches your attention by popping out of the recording
and sounding absolutely amazing! In this case... I'm listening to the soundtrack
to The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, the first of three soundtracks by composer
Ennio Morricone that offers very unusual orchestration featuring voices, guitar,
Latin percussion instruments, and full orchestra w/ piano, strings, brass,
winds, etc. And what's amazing is that, even though I know the sound of this
album very well, being a recording producer and engineer, there are little
familiar bits like the opening main title which leap out, suddenly, like never
Read our review of Digital Amplifier Company's MEGAschino stereo

Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems
Momentum Phono Stage Preamplifier
A championship phono stage from living legend Dan D'Agostino.
Review By
Tom Lyle
When I heard
that I would be reviewing the $28,000 Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Momentum phono
preamplifier for this issue of Enjoy The
Music, I was a very
happy audiophile — on account of the time I spent with the $50,000
D'Agostino Momentum Lifestyle integrated amplifier that I reviewed
earlier this year. If this phono preamplifier had any of the sonic
characteristics of the MLife, I suspected I was going to hear my records through
a state-of-the-art phono preamp, or at the very least one that was very close to
state-of-the-art. When writing about their MLife integrated amp I declared that
not only have I never heard an integrated sound so marvelous in my system, I
never have I heard one sound as marvelous anywhere.
Read our Dan D'Agostino MAS Momentum Phono Stage Preamplifier review.

Furutech NCF Cable Booster-Signal
Life often contains hidden gems awaiting exploration.
Review By Jeremy Kipnis
Sometimes, you can't help but get giddy about a product that most everyone is going to gripe that, "It can't possibly work!" But the fact is the highly debatable yet finely engineered Furutech NCF
Booster-Signal I've been lucky enough to be closely reviewing these past few months clearly improves the clarity, focus, resolution, and musical
Read our Furutech NCF Cable Booster-Signal review.

How A Vinyl Record Is Made
We tour Quality Record Pressings / Acoustic Sounds vinyl LP pressing plant.
the Music.com and Enjoy the
Music.TV presents to you our video tour of the Quality Record Pressings (Acoustic Sounds) vinyl LP pressing plant. We join
plant manager Gary and owner Chad Kassem as they take us on a step-by-step journey through how a vinyl LP record is produced.
Creative Director of
Enjoy the Music.com Steven R. Rochlin guides you on
his Quality Vinyl Pressings factory tour to learn how they produce a vinyl LP.
See our video of how a vinyl LP is made.

CES / THE Show And Remembering A True Legend...
Kondo-san Of Audio Note Japan.
Article By Steven R. Rochlin
Obviously January
brings many within the Enjoy the Music.com staff, including myself, to
Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronic Show 2008
and THE Show 2008. Usually i spill quite
a bit of cyber-ink about this, yet loyal readers know the drill. i post a
pre-show report followed by daily updates each day during the events. Have
already posted quite a bit within the pre-show report, so get a head start in
hearing about the many new products when you have a chance! What i'd really like
to talk about is something that happened at last year's THE Show. Specifically,
the passing of chief designer and owner of Audio Note Japan, Hiroyasu Kondo-san.
---> Read more about remembering
Audio Note's Kondo-san.
Mojo Audio Mystique V3 Non-Oversampling R-2R Hi-Res Audio DAC
The art and science of high resolution digital audio today.
Review By Jeremy R.
Back in April
of 1980, when I was a lad of 15, I went to a recording session that featured one
of the new digital tape recorders. This big device on wheels translated the
microphone's sound into binary ones and zeros and recorded it on special 1/4"
reel-to-reel tape. This process, known as Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC),
resulted in a near perfect approximation of the incoming signal, unlike
traditional analog magnetic tape, which requires special biasing and noise
Read our review of the Mojo Audio Mystique V3 R-2R DAC.
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March / April
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Note: We have magazine issues dating back to 1999.
See our archives section for all reviews.