Comment 4 Incoming: Your views on all things audio
Equipment 19 Arcam irDAC, A19, and KEF LS50: DAC, amp, and loudspeaker
system 27 Devialet Ensember: Integrated amp/loudspeaker system 34 Atoll Electronique IN200: Integrated amplifier 40 Triangle Antal Anniversary: Floorstanding loudspeaker 46 HRT Airstreamer: Wireless USB digital convertor 51 AURALiC Gemini 2000: Headphone amplifier/DAC/stand 58 Aaron Cineast / Millennium: Preamplifier and stereo power
amp 65 EgglestoneWorks Nico: Standmount loudspeaker 71 Tsarkirdis Devices Aeolos Super Plus: Integrated valve
amplifier 77 Koetsu Pure Onyx: Moving coil cartridge 81 Eclipse TD725SWMK2: Active subwoofer 85 Tellurium Q: S/PDIF and USB digital cables 89 OPPO PM-1 (Revised Ear-Pads): Planar magnetic headphones
Music 98 Contemporary, Audiophile and Classic Music 104 Classic Albums: Frank Zappa Hot
Rats + More 97 Advertiser index
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