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High-End Audiophile Reviews July 2013    

Daily News: Audiophile news updated each weekday!

BAS Speaker
Panel Discussion On Dealer - Customer Interface
Working together to create a great experience.

Sound Practices
Guerrilla Tactics For The Audiophile Home
Article By Joyce

VALVE Magazine
It Is Not A Gang, It Is A Club!
Editorial from VALVE's first issue!

Enjoy the Music.com July Contest!
Win a complete Anthony Gallo Acoustics Micro SE 2.1 setup!

T.H.E. Show Newport Beach 2013
T.H.E. Show Newport Beach 2013

In This Issue... Many New Reviews And Food For Thought
The Future's So Bright We Have To Wear Shades!
Article By Steven R. Rochlin

The 21st Century Audiophile
A unique 'high-quality' experience of stillness, bonding, love, and friendship as we share our taste and wisdom about music.
Article By Herb Reichert

From The Editor's Desk
My Memo To The Industry
In this age, optimism like that is a revolutionary act...
I just want to be inspired.
Article By Steven R. Rochlin

Audiolics Anonymous Chapter 164: I'm Baaack!
Environmental Potentials EP2050 Wave Form Corrector And Intel NUC Mini Computer
Article By Dr. Bill Gaw

Skoff'ing Up Food For Thought
Help; I'm an audiophile and I don't know what that means!
Article By Roger Skoff

Sonic Satori
A New Journey into the Heart of the Audiophile Dream
Article By Michael Mercer

Porsche Design P'3135 Solid Fountain Pen
A high-precision fountain pen from Porsche engineers.
Article By Steven R. Rochlin

MWE Lab Emperor 200 Computer Workstation
The ultimate seat for high-end computer users!
Article By Steven R. Rochlin

Green Machine
Relive one of your favorite childhood memories!
Article By Steven R. Rochlin

Cary's New Audio Electronics Line
Constellation Vacuum Tube Preamplifier
Internet direct-to-consumer line of tube amplifiers from Cary are kings of value!
Review By A. Colin Flood

Triode Lab EL84TT Integrated Amplifier
A very linear unit with impressive focus plus deep and defined soundscape.
Review By Rick Becker

Eryk S Concept Red King Integrated Stereo Tube Amplifier
A very interesting unit with many strengths.
Review By Wojciech Pacula

Nola Contender Speaker
A Boxer with Legs.
Review By Neil Gader

Ortofon MC Anna Moving-Coil Cartridge
Game Change!
Review By Jonathan Valin


Marten Django L Loudspeaker
Fabulous speakers at a keen price.
Review By Alan Sircom

Electrocompaniet EMP3 Blu-ray/Universal Disc Player
A common goal of sounding like music.
Review By Alan Sircom


Streaming Audio
Stream music from your computer to your hi-fi. Here's how!
Article By network engineer Jim Roberts

Garrard 401 Turntable Revival
Spurred by growing interest in the Garrard 401 turntable, Noel Keywood dusts the cobwebs off his own and brings it up to date.


Bully Sound BSC-60s Stereo Amp Plus 100m Mono Update
Bully Stereo's bargain at just half the price of the monoblocks, and goes nearly as loud.
Review By Chris Bryant

Subjective Sounds
Article By Paul Messenger of HIFICRITIC

  Vacuum Tubes
Article By Grey Rollins

Classical Music
The complete string quartet music of John Adams, brilliantly played by the Attacca Quartet.
Review By Max Westler

Fischer's Superb Vision Of Mahler Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 2 in C Minor Resurrection
Review By Phil Gold

Superb Nielsen symphonies from Alan Gilbert and the New York Philharmonic.
Review By Max Westler

The Pacifica Quartet continues its superb survey of string quartets by Shostakovich and his contemporaries.
Review By Joe Milicia

Invidious In Vienna
My musical excursion though Vienna.
Article By Ray Chowkwanyun

Jazz, Bluegrass, Folk, etc.
Diane Hubka
I Like It Here - Live In Tokyo
Review By Ray Chowkwanyun



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