Australian Hi-Fi Magazine September /
October 2017
Since 1969, Australian Hi-Fi Magazine has kept audiophiles up to date on all the latest advances in audio technology and the hi-fi components available to enjoy music. All equipment reviews and music reviews are written by professionals who are experts in their respective fields, and are checked for accuracy by experienced sub-editors. Every audio component reviewed in
Australian Hi-Fi Magazine is also independently tested by a NATA-certified test laboratory, whose test results and graphs are published with each review, together with a detailed technical analysis of those
results. Australian Hi-Fi Magazine also maintains a complete database of all Australian and New Zealand distributors of hi-fi equipment, along with updated listings of the brands they
distribute. Australian Hi-Fi Magazine is published six times a year and
on sale at thousands of news agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand, as well as being available in selected audio stores across the
country plus International mail and online via digital
3 Editorial Lead In: Another Audio Crowd-Funding Fail...
Audiophiles around the world as Kanoa, which had promised 'truly wireless earbuds', shuts its
website and says it wont be fulfilling orders.
6 Audio News
Gold Note Bellagio, Pioneer VSX-832, Stax SRM-T8000, Playback Designs Dream Series, Sony WS623 Sports Walkman, Richter Audio, McIntosh MA9000, Music Hall mmf1.3, Magico M6, Wilson Benesch
Resolution, Dynaudio Special 40, Questyle QP2R, Pioneer SE-CH9T, Harbeth Monitor 30.2, J.A. Michell at Radiance AV, Clearaudio Concept Active and more...
48 Obituary
Louis Challis AM, was Australia's most famous acoustical engineer and a former technical
consultant for Australian Hi-Fi Magazine.
70 Hi-Fi Deconstructed
Have you ever wondered why new vinyl LPs are something about it!
20 Marantz NA6005 Network Player
A great streamer that ticks all the boxes with its extraordinary connectivity, its ability to play back connect and operate.
28 Audio Flight FL Three S Integrated Amplifier
This Italian-made amplifier combines the best sonic traits of solid-state, plus can be optioned up to suit your needs.
38 PSB SubSeries200 Subwoofer
Canadian manufacturer PSB may have kicked an 'own goal' with its latest sub, because it's
performance just too goof for the price they're asking for it!
42 Lundahl Moving Coil Transformer
Swedish company Lundahl's coils and transformers are found in many of the world's best-performing high-end products. Now the company has started to sell them under its own name.
54 Dynaudio Contour 60 Loudspeakers
Dynaudio's brand new -- and they are brand new -- Contour 60 loudspeakers are not just good
speakers, they're truly great speakers...
58 Sound Blaster E5 DAC / Headphone Amplifier
A DAC from a company that made its name in computer audio? When you think about it further, it
makes perfect sense, says reviewer Stephen Dawson.
61 Beyerdynamic DT 1770PRO & DT 1990PRO Headphones
Jez Ford puts an award-winning pair of headphones through their paces, plus compares them to
the closed-headshell version of the same design.
62 Rock On
Rachel Maria Cox releases the emo-rock masterpiece Australia has been clamouring for, and Gary
Clark Jr's second concert album captures the true spirit of live soul and blues, while elsewhere,
Belle Haven, Justin Burnasconi, In Hearts Wake and Northlane spin.
64 Super Fidelity
This issue, Audiophile Audition's John Sunier reviews some classic pieces from the likes of
Wagner and Brahms, plus discovers a disc of clarinet and piano pieces that were all written by
American composers.
66 Jazz Track
Walkley-award winning reviewer John Shand spins albums from the Christopher Young Quartet,
Gregory Porter, Peter Knight, Sensaround, Casey Golden Trio, and Joanna
68 Blu-ray Reviews
Three days after Brian Jones' death, the Rolling Stones held a free concert in London's Hyde
Park, which attracted half a million concert-goers. Stephen Dawson reviews a Blu-ray that captures the event so well that you can imagine you're actually there.
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