August 2016

World Premiere!
Emotiva BasX A-300 Stereo Amplifier
Emotiva's BasX A-300 brings immersive, and immense, musical enjoyment.
Review By Ron Nagle

Emotiva was a corporate mystery I chased for many
years and why I'm greateful to now review their new BasX A-300 amplifier. They
make a relatively inexpensive, yet high quality, line of audio components found
at most audio shows. Have been curious to answer this question as what can you
expect from a 150 Watt per channel amplifier at a $399 bargain basement price
with Emotiva's new BasX A-300? Remember, it is far easier to make a good product by dumping a
wheelbarrow full of cash into the design process. But try the same thing with
your disassembled piggy bank stash or by raiding mom's cookie jar. How close
does Emotiva get to the high-end with their great value for the dollar products? Well that's what this investigation is poised to discover.
Filling The Gaps
Before going any farther lets add some information about the
company. Emotiva is a full line direct source of home theater and audiophile and
professional electronics. That includes preamplifier, amplifiers, DAC's,
surround sound processors, speakers, and cables. Emotiva was founded in 2003 by
its President Dan Laufman. He saw the spiraling prices of audio gear and thought
he could offer high-end audio sound quality at a far more affordable price.
According to Lonnie Vaughn, Emotiva's VP and Chief Technology Officer, the
Emotiva company's components are designed in Franklin Tennessee, just south of
Nashville. The parts are sourced from a global list of vendors. In the past,
some of the company’s products were assembled in China. That might be inferred
when you look at some of the reasonable prices. However, the Emotiva production
has been incrementally shifted exclusively to the United States and their build
quality has always been impressive. The Emotiva parent company, Jade Design, is
basically an intellectual and proprietary technology holding entity. Five and a
half years ago, Jade Design began manufacturing its own products under the
Emotiva brand name. As usual this reporter has been scouring web threads trying
to put together as big a picture as possible about all things Emotiva. Emotiva
has been around for 13 years, so they have been quite successful, plus have a
very loyal following online.
Out Of The Ordinary
Can you remember ever running across an audio amplifier with a
doesn’t matter what the line voltage is. The owner’s manual tells us you can
plug the Emotiva BASX A-300 into any 115V or 230V @ 50/60 Hz wall
outlet and the amplifier will sense the incoming power type and operate normally
without you switching anything. On the back panel just above the line cord IEC
socket there is an on/off switch and two LEDs. The top LED lights to indicate
115 Volt's and the bottom LED will be on if you are plugged into 230 Volt wall
outlet. Additionally, there is a 12 Volt trigger input jack for turn on and a
small switch that will turn off the status LEDs. While there is no line fuse on
the rear panel, there is an internal fault detection circuit.

Another surprise is that this Emotiva amplifier pumps out 150
Watts a side into 8 Ohms using a linear power supply with an ample-sized
toroidal transformer. The amplifier is specified as being Class A/B linear. To
save money I assumed they would cheat and use an off the shelf digital power
supply from some other manufacturer. If you think that I do not like digital
power supplies, you would be correct. Yes they are cheaper and they can be
smaller in size but in an effort to quiet them down and sound more linear some
manufactures have increased the switching function frequencies higher, nearer to
radio frequencies. And let’s not forget that they really don't do anything
more than a common solid state linear power supply.

The Matter of The Facts
The product name BASX is a variation of the word basics. There
are three power amplifier models within the new BASX lineup. They are the BASX
A-300 (as reviewed here), the A-500, and the A-700. All of these amplifiers are
housed in identical black painted steel cases that measure 17" wide x 4"
high x 16" deep. Interestingly, the model number designations do not refer to
the available power per channel but to the number of separate channels. So the
specification reads like this: "Power
output: two channels driven". (Confusing statement for an uneven number of
channels). So the Emotiva A-300 amplifier has two channels with
150 Watts RMS per side. The A-500 provides power to five amplified channels at
110 Wpc RMS and the A-700 has seven channels also providing 110 Wpc RMS.
Obviously the company provides additional amplifier channels for home theater
systems. Note: RMS stands for: Root Mean
Square, the only sanctioned method of specifying amplifier power. If
you do not see it spelled out like that then you need to ask questions. The
amplifiers face is simplicity itself it only has two small blue LED lamps
illuminated for power at the left and right channels. Directly in the center is
a round push button to turn on the amplifier. It will change color to indicate
power standby or power on.
A complete listing of the BASX A300 features and
specifications are posted at the articles conclusion.

The Sound
Interestingly a lot of companies will tell you to let a
component break in for some hours before you listen to it. That’s not the case
with the Emotiva BASX A300 power amplifier. So is it good to go right out of the
box? The answer is no, not really. About an hour after turn on I could detect a
very slight, and I do mean subtle, graininess pervading and overlaying the audio
presentation. It’s hard to describe yet when you read an audio components
review and the writer talks about a quiet dark black background that could be
it. Well dear reader, this grainy artifact was just the opposite of that quiet
quality. If it wasn't for the 40 kHz extension of my Aurum Cantus speakers
ribbon tweeters I don't think it would have been audible. Emotiva’s BASX A300
amplifier ran for a few more days just playing background music. But given time,
there was a much kinder fate in store. In the following days it underwent a
major transformation and became pussy foot quiet. At this juncture I will
apologize in advance for talking about a vinyl record album that you probably do
not own. But in the process maybe you will go out and buy this wonderfully
scored and mixed album. It is from Christopher Cross and titled Another
Page [Warner Bros 9-23757-1]. The liner notes list additional guest
vocals by Micheal McDonald, Carl Wilson, Art Garfunkel, J. D. Souther, Don
Henley, Karla Bonoff and a long list of great guest musicians. This is a studio
album but done in such a way that you can look into the mix and pick out the
people backing the lead vocal along with layers of accompanying instrumentation.
On track two, Baby Says no, the
line, "I really think I've got it bad this
time". A plaintive baritone voice echoes deep in the background and
repeats the words "So Bad".

Wrap Up
Doing my research I found buyer comments that ranged from
tepid to wonderful with only a rare few negative comments in between. If you
consider that someone is looking for affordable audio components at this price
point. You should not be surprised by the large majority of happy customers. On
a strict price and performance basis Emotiva is hard to beat. One comment in
particular stands out in my mind. It was a purchaser’s comment extolling the
Emotiva XPA2 amplifier and its 300 Watt per channel driving his Bose 901
speakers. Like many other things there is a lot to consider. I can fully
understand his favorable reaction listening through his Bose 901's. I included
this comment just to point out that personal preferences will be all over the
place and are factored in when building an audio system. There really is no
‘one size fits all’ in audioland. Emotiva’s BASX A300 produces a wonderful
sound that will not be mistaken for a lush tube amplifier. While it might not
project the same dimensional images, the Emotiva sound quality dictates that it
can cover a very broad application for music lovers worldwide. That means it
could easily work well within some very expensive systems. If a burglar came
into into my home and swapped face plates with my four thousand dollar reference
Sanders ESL solid-state muscle amplifier it might take me awhile before I caught
on. I'll admit that I’m extremely, and pleasantly, surprised for there is very
little fault to be found. Emotiva has a primarily direct marketing sales
structure and so you can purchase directly from the company online. However,
they do have other outlets including
For well over 40 years there have been advances, and setbacks,
within my audio vocation. Have spent a bucket-load, nay a barrel-full, of
money on my high-end audio system. But at this juncture it makes no sense to
look back, and I have no regrets. This evolutionary journey for me was a fun
ride. At this exact moment in time my music system with the Emotiva BASX A300
can fill me with immersed enjoyment. All I ask is the comfort and safe haven of
my music when life gets a bit rough.
Remember to enjoy the music and, from me, Semper Hi-Fi.