June 2011
Specimen Satellite And Subwoofer System
Little horns make big sound.
Review By A. Colin Flood
You will either love or hate the
colorful look and sound of this unique 3-piece system. Specimen’s system
provides the finger-licking goodness and looks of horn loudspeakers without the
high-ticket price. The octagonal flutes look like tubas spouting music, or gawky
cowls venting ships. They are throwbacks replicas of the antediluvian beginnings
of music reproduction. Yet there is much to recommend the
technology and the sound behind this intelligent design:
Bold looks
Smoothness of single driver speakers
Effortlessness of high efficiency horns
Punchy bass of powered woofer
Specimen Products is a Chicago based maker of guitar and audio
tube amps. The name stems from sculptures that founder Ian Schneller (“Shh-nell-er”)
made while an undergraduate at the Memphis Academy of Art. He said,
“pretending to be a company” instead of an individual appealed to him. This
Specimen satellite/sub-woofer system (three-S system hereafter) is a logical
extension of his work.
The system combines Specimen’s Little Horn Speakers with a
beefy woofer. Although less than a foot square, the very solid, 18-mm (0.75
inch), Baltic birch, plywood woofer cube contains a 6.5” bass driver, 50-watt
amp, with two 25-watt feeds to the Little Horn satellites. The shapely horns
deepen the sound coming off the back of the 4”, untreated, white Fostex FE108
Sigma full-range drivers in the little box below the horns. Each Little Horn
weight is around 12 pounds per horn. They are $1850 a pair, with the sub, the
combined price is $2450 plus shipping.
The beauty of a single driver speaker is that there is no
crossover noise or notches in the loudspeaker’s mid-range frequency response.
Although this accuracy is important in the 20-Hz to 5-kHz range, where the first
harmonic of musical instruments occurs, it is especially critical in the
hyper-sensitive 2 kHz to 5 kHz range, where the human ear is most sensitive.
This feature smoothes the sound of single drivers; it also makes them efficient
and easy-to-power. Plus, the wonderful thing about very high-efficiency
loudspeakers, with or without horns, is that sweet and delicate sounding, but
generally low-powered, tube amps can drive them.
The neat thing about the three-S system is that it allows you
to couple lush sounding tube amps with the hard-hitting sound of a solid-state
powered bass woofer. In my home entertainment system and opinion, this is a
wonderful combination. You get the lushness of tubes, with the solid thunk of
bass. In fact, the 4” Fostex drivers provide smooth
output from 200 Hz, with a bit of a dip at 1 kHz, then tip up the high end
beginning at 2 kHz to 15 kHz. This response might make the drivers seem a tad
bright, but I think the horn balances them off. The cast frame drivers have the
low Q rating suited for horn enclosures. The horns lower the frequency response
of the drivers, the same way as my big ole Klipsch Khorns, or the Newtronics
Deep Sub
The woofer cube weighs 20 pounds and feels
like a lot more. There are two knobs on the back of the beefy box. One is an
electronic crossover knob to adjust the mid-bass range from 75 Hz to 150 Hz
(mid-bass range). There is also a 40-Hz (the point between deep bass and
mid-bass) bass boost switch and level control for the subwoofer unit. The
amplifier accepts either classic RCA, or the emerging new standard, Apple’s
3.5-mm mini jacks.
1. Simply connect your iPod, mp3 player, computer, CD player,
or other sound source to the woofer cube.
2. Next, play a bass track and adjust variable bass
equalization and volume. The three-S system needs a manual to help walk you
through setting the levels.
Me? I play a bass track while standing next to the sub-woofer,
adjust the levels so I can barely hear the sub and then return to my listening
seat. Movies require an extra boost – that is where the 40 Hz switch on the
rear of the woofer cube comes in handy. In fact, it would be nice if useful
little switches like this one were located on the front, where they are easy to
reach. I switch from music to movies and back almost daily.
The cute bass driver on the front of the bass cube is an
untreated, 6.5 inch Peerless model. The Indian company is 30 years old. (Good!
Personally, I would rather buy from a Muslim democracy than a communist
country.) The driver is 4 Ohms, which tells me that it is good that a
solid-state amp drives it. Impedance dips to only 3.4 Ohms, so it shouldn’t be
so low or so wild that a small amp has real trouble powering it. The resonance
frequency of the bass driver is a deep 36 Hz. This is the depth of much larger
and more expensive systems. Indeed, bass sounded deep for such a hefty little
box. Once set up, the woofer cube was sufficiently powerful enough that I
double-checked to make sure my sub-woofer was off line on more than one
occasion! Otherwise, set-up of the three-S system is simple.
The woofer cube alone is $585. Although they won’t match the
appearance of the Little Horns, there are plenty of powerful subs from which to
choose in that price range. My Specimen pieces came properly packed. The speaker
cables have the easy-to-use gold banana plug terminations, but one of the
positive cables was missing the knurled collar, which tightens around the pin to
hold it securely to the cable. Neither sub nor satellites came with protective
grills. Yet these are essential for tweaking audiophiles with cats or kids.
Availability of Specimen inventory fluctuates, but right now, they have stock.
Since they build their speakers in their Chicago shop, not in China, their stock
on hand is always small. They mostly build to order.
The Little Horns are their most popular speaker design. Their
most popular finishes are either white or Red/Opalescent White horns on clear
lacquer bases, like the models I auditioned. There is no internal bracing in the
horn flutes. The octagonal shape provides structural rigidity. Indeed, I tweaked
their focus several times by grabbing their mouth; the horns are quite solid. I
wouldn’t risk picking them up that way, but these are not flimsy horns. Here
is how the three-S systems compares...
Omega Single Driver Speakers
I gushed over the soft, full-range cones of the Omega
speaker (as reviewed here), lauding their mid-range cohesiveness. Some
tweaking audiophiles prize this midrange capability over all other capabilities.
They eschew twinkling highs and thunking bass for the mid-range truthfulness and
honesty that a single full range driver provides. Cohesion, they gush. Omega
speakers provide a full, rich mid-range in the same price range as the Little
Horn combo. The mid-range of the Little Horn combination
doesn’t have the soft cotton feel of a high quality shirt. There is crispness
to its harmonics that the Omega doesn’t have. Instead, the horn’s wide
dispersion of the four-inch driver, coupled with the prodigious mid-bass of the
woofer cube, creates a durable poly-cotton blend that is quite enticing. It is
like choosing a sharp business shirt at a high-end department store, like Saks,
versus the expensive 100% cotton ones at the clothing boutique. The combination
of a mid-bass woofer to the small full range drivers of the satellites is a
practical and wonderful solution. There are other ways to skin this cat
Klipsch RF-82
For tweaking audiophiles considering an entry-level horn loudspeaker, I
would seriously consider the wheelhouse of the Klipsch Reference line. The RF-82
towers give many horn sonic values for the money. I haven’t auditioned the 82
models, but heard their RF-85s. The specs of the RF-82 indicate they capture
most of the sound of the Klipsch line, at a very practical $1K price point. The
plain Klipsch towers don’t have the instrument or ship’s cowl appearance of
the Little Horns, which is either a plus or a minus for some tweaking
audiophiles. In their price range however, the three-S system are up against the
snappy bass of Classic Audio
Reproductions’ Cinemss (as reviewed here) models.
Avantgarde Unos
For tweaking audiophiles who have the Krugerrands, the
top of the horn market is held by big and bold, colorful and expensive, models
such as Avantgarde. The entry price for which was a mere $11,000. Other
beautiful loudspeakers include Acapella's High Violoncello II. I heard these
briefly at AXPONA 2010 in
Jacksonville, Florida, and loved their effortless sound – not their $80,000
Okay, Okay! How Do They Sound?
without the woofer, the Little Horns by themselves easily capture the magical
essence of horn loudspeakers. Theirs is a wide, crisp and clear soundstage with
good dynamics. They are not as soft and warm like the Omega T21s perhaps, or an
acoustic guitar, but more sharp and edgy, like an electric one. Many
people off the street, who don’t care about the rumbling lows of action
movies, tympanis or baritones, won’t miss Specimen’s little woofer; the
Fostex satellites provide enough 300-Hz mid-bass to make Bose lovers happy.
Imagine though, listening to only the middle and right hand keys of a piano,
without the lower notes of the left hand! Tweaking audiophiles, who know the
enormous energy that deep bass requires, will want Specimen’s larger 300-watt
sub-woofer, with its 25-Hz (deep bass) boost switch. Of course, two subs, at
opposite ends of the room, is the best solution...
First impression of the three-S system mini horns was
excellent; they compared quite favorably to my own big ole horns. The three-S
system has a little more honk and diffuse soundstage than the classic Klipsch
corner horns. On many types of music, the three-S system
has rough edges. On Dire Straits' classic, Brothers
in Arms (Warner Brothers), song seven is "The Man's Too
For I have done wrong
The man's too big
The man's too strong
As Knopfler sings this chorus, the band hits a dramatic
crescendo, with all of the instruments quickly striking the same note
simultaneously. Yet the three-S system can’t keep it up. (Few home
entertainment systems can.) Like many systems, it mashes crescendos together.
Plus, the three-S system can’t compete with my big ole horns when it comes to
the piano. Instead, the three-S system makes pianos more sharp and raw, the
vocals more direct and forward. The mid-bass is solid, but simple, without the
deepest undertones. The three-S system adds a PA quality to Mark Knopfer's sotto
voce. And they struggle to separate instruments from each other.
These and their other minor shortcomings however, are mainly
inherent problems with small speakers. Not the three-S system itself. Reviews
gushing over small loudspeakers that accomplish everything that large ones can
do, are selling snake oil. It ain’t necessarily so. The three-S system is not
significantly better or worse than many other small loudspeakers systems.
By virtue of the dedicated, powered woofer, the mid and upper
bass (40 Hz to 300 Hz) is fulfilling, but not over-whelming boomy. The midrange
(300 Hz to 5000 Hz), while not the Downy soft of the Omega, seems fairly flat
and even. Though the three-S system does not have a separate tweeter, the high
frequencies (5000 Hz on up) are sharper, with more ring, than the rolled-off top
of the Omega.
Blue Notes
Like other horns, the attack and decay of notes have a
life-like quickness that many cone speakers cannot provide. It is this quickness
that makes CAR Cinema and Focal’s delicate cones so beguiling. On
Enjoy the Music.com's reviewing scale, three Blue Notes is average; the
review model ranks about the same as other models auditioned for Enjoy the
Music.com, neither better nor worse. When it comes to rating sound quality, five
Blue Notes is the very best I have ever heard in that category, regardless of
price. The Blue Note scale does not move. Simply because a product is $500
versus $5,000 or $50,000 does not mean it can’t earn five Blue Notes. Many of
the three-S system sonic characteristics are neither significantly better nor
worse than what I have auditioned:
Soundstage Width
By virtue of the wide mouth of the little horns, the
soundstage is almost as good as the Klipsch Khorns. It is more diffuse however,
with instruments not as clearly defined.
Like other horns, horns sound good on the Little
Horns. They show off the blat and blare of saxophones. They get the rasp. The
three-S system captures the reverb of large recording halls. Yet there is
hardness around the trailing edge of the vocals. It doesn’t come from the soft
edges of the cone driver. You hear at the mouth of the gramophone. Many tweaking
audiophiles hate this. This hardiness, edginess, effect lends itself to the
criticism that even exemplary horns can have a PA quality to their vocals. So
the three-S system suffers from that horny truism.
Soundstage Depth
The three-S system took some tweaking, as all horns
do, to get them inched in just the right spot to give you that wonderful imaging
that both horns and tubes do so well. Aim them properly and not only does the
soundstage widen and deepen, but it also focuses the center image.
I ended up placing a CD case (remember those?) underneath each speaker to
give each Little Horn a slight backward tilt. Schneller should consider adding
adjustable feet to the rear of the satellites – I think precise imaging would
increase the enjoyment of his customers. Once angled directly at the ears, or
the back of the head, the three-S system created a central illusion of singers.
Their sonic 3D soundstage is not as precise as the Khorns either, but like most
horns, it is very good nonetheless. You can’t easily pick out individual
instruments, but the singer is clearly front and center.
Fit & Finish
The thick wood sides of the satellite and woofer boxes are obviously well
constructed. A rap test barks the knuckles like no other loudspeaker I have
tested. Yet the boxes have a primitive handmade quality to them; this is not a
sleek production line…yet. Plus, there is no grill to protect the driver
cones. While the Little Horns are colorful cowls with elegant curves, the
exposed bolts and hard edges on the boxes is awkwardly crude, like bones
sticking out.
Like all efficient speakers, the 90dB.W.m three-S system reveals any
upstream deficiencies in your home entertainment and music system. The amps did
not have any obvious noise, but weaknesses in your front-end equipment may sound
Bang for the Buck
These are charming and enjoyable speakers. I did not want to part
with them! I would love to show them off to a party of friends. The three-S
system provides the bold looks, and much of the sound, of the biggest, boldest
horns without the high-ticket price! The best product and building designs have
a beauty that exceeds their mere functionality; many cars look good simply
standing still. Specimen’s Satellite & Sub-Woofer System has the
smoothness of single drivers, efficiency of horns and punchy bass. It looks and
sounds like music.