Few people know this, yet felt everything
was packed for the Munich show. Computer, check. Tablet and camera, check check?
Well, even the best laid plans... and thus forgot my USA to Germany power
adapter. A small $1 part mind you. Oh no! This means there was enough power for a few days, but that's
it. Lucky me, as attending a consumer electronics show means one can simply soldered one up! A most
humble thanks to Alex Manninger of KaCsa Audio for making me this adapter!
You single-handedly saved the show report! KaCsa offers a wide variety of cables, plugs, adapters, accessories
On the downside, looks like some data was lost
so am doing my best with the below pics.

Kingsound's world premiered their Emperor electrostatic headphones cam in either tube
amp'ed or solid-state ($2000 and $1000 respectively). The tube amp is on the
left whilst the headphones are sitting upon the solid-state version. Frequency response is from 1 Hz go 46 kHz. The headphones are lightweight at 400 gram as the
company chose to use plastic instead of metal or wood.
And now the crowds....

Kimber Kable's top line Select series, which
come in copper, copper/silver and all silver versions, were on display here at
Munich's High End 2013 show.

Furutech was here in Munich with their entire
line of products, tweaks and accessories.

Vintage Marantz tubed unit.

A collection of WBT connectors.
Summing things up, the Munich High End 2013
show was a success on every level! Great organization to get rooms setup,
excellent promotion for the show and of course a very happy, and huge,
audience in attendance. Am sure once all the numbers come in there will be a
record number of people who made their way through this major Germany event.
Would like to personally thank everyone for a great time from the High End Society,
to exhibitors, and of course the many fans who stopped me in the hallways to
say hi. Had some great conversations with quite a few readers! The real
mind-blowing event was coming home.
Upon flying into ORD (Chicago) the usual
waiting at passport control line forms. When it was my turn, the passport
agent looked at my passport, then looked at me and asked what speakers to use
with his Quad ESL speaker. He is an avid reader and fan of Enjoy the
Music.com. How cool is that!?!? We spent about five minutes chatting until
the people in line behind me were probably beyond upset. They can wait, we're
talking Quad ESL speakers and OTL tuber amplifiers over here! Amazing
how small the world has truly become. The High End Munich show is not to be
missed and look forward to seeing everyone in 2014. And on that note, in the
end what really matters is that you...
Enjoy the Music,
Steven R. Rochlin
---> Bonus coverage.