Enjoy the Music.com's March 2020 Contest Win An Audio Note UK IZero Vacuum Tube
Int. Amp.
For Audio Note UK's Zero range, they decided to design an integrated amplifier rather than a preamplifier / power amplifier combination. The result is the IZero Integrated Amplifier ($2480), and it has exceeded all of this British company's expectations. Offering a level of performance that was previously considered unthinkable for an amplifier of such diminutive size and price, the IZero is something very special. It is said to produce a bold, rich, smooth, and delicate performance, whilst offering a level of fine detail finesse that is quite incredible! Valve compliment consists of four ECL82 triode / pentodes operating in Class A/B. This produces 8 Watts per channel, two channels for stereo, to be the control and power center of any high-fidelity audio system. Internally, it features a level of component quality that is unmatched at this price point; including their own Audio Note UK custom designed and manufactured output transformers.
Audio Note UK's IZero stereo vacuum tube integrated amplifier has been specifically engineered for sonic performance rather than technical specification. It also fulfils all Audio Note UK Level Zero criteria: 1. Valve output stage 2. Class A weighted operation, with switching to Class A/B at high output, and 3. High quality materials and components
It is well known that the accurate reproduction of music, not just sound, requires the purity of the incoming signal to be preserved. It is therefore not difficult to conclude that to achieve this goal and to retain the musicality of the original performance, the complexity of the circuitry itself must be kept to a minimum. Audio Note UK says, "In contrast to the majority of the audio industry, we design our circuits intending to minimize non-harmonic and time-based anomalies, rather than producing vanishingly small harmonic or low intermodulation distortion measurements. These non-harmonic amplitude and time base distortions have a highly perceptible and adverse affect on the signal waveform, and it is far more important to address these factors than participate in the increasingly irrelevant numbers game that chases 'perfect measured response'."
As a result, the I Zero has been designed for maximum linearity and minimum transient distortion. Of course this is within the capabilities of cost-effective and compact design. Audio Note UK chose to use a pair of the now rarely seen triode / pentode ECL82 valves for the output stage in push / pull configuration. This marvelous small envelope design was widely used in radios and early televisions as an output valve, and is run in Class A until 80% of its rated power. After this, when the amplifier is operating at high power / close to its maximum possible output, the I Zero switches to Class A/B to provides low-heat, reliability, and long life.
Audio Note UK copper wiring, high quality film resistors, and metallized Mylar film signal capacitors are used in key areas of the circuit. These, along with in-house designed and manufactured custom Audio Note UK output transformers with copper primaries and secondaries, ensure the parts quality are of a level expected from this highly acclaimed British company. Their own in-house designed high quality connectors, switch gear, volume control, and trimmings are also included.
The winner of Enjoy the Music.com's Audio Note UK IZero vacuum tube integrated amplifier contest gets their choice of either White, Aluminum and Acrylic Black finish.
Want to learn more? Visit their website at www.AudioNote.co.uk
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One entry per person please. Contest entry time ended March 31st, 2020.
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Manufacturer Voice:+44 (0) 1273 830800