audioXpress Magazine
January 2021
audioXpress remains the authority on audio and reproduced sound by connecting manufacturers and distributors with developers, buyers and consultants around the globe!
It's readers are the audio product designers, consultants, integrators, DIY enthusiasts, opinion leaders and your best customers. All of them agree that the coverage of trending topics, unique in the audio industry, make
audioXpress a must read.
Every month, audioXpress combines the best educational articles on topic such audio electronics, speaker and headphone design, amplifiers (from tube to Class D), acoustics, practical test and measurement, audio engineering praxis, and standards.
audioXpress provides inside stories on new audio developments, on R&D Stories, the most complete objective reviews of innovative products and software, and selects some of the best DIY audio projects from worldwide experts.
4 Celebrating A Double Anniversary
Marking 20 years since audioXpress was launched, and 50 since Ed Dell began his journey.
Editorial By J. Martins, Editor-in-Chief
8 Drivers, Speakers, And Transducers Optimization Of The Species
By J. Martins
In this Market Update, we selected some
examples of innovations in speaker
technology and highlighted a few of the
most recent announcements.
26 Electrostatic Pure Silicon Microspeakers For Wireless
By Hermann Schenk and Lutz Ehrig
This article discusses how innovations
in microspeaker technology, and
specifically a new MEMS topology from
Arioso Systems, will contribute to next-generation
true wireless earbuds.
30 Bass Shakers and Tactile Sound
By Mike Klasco
From powerful bass shakers that move
floors and chairs in movie theaters to
subtle bone-conduction transducers
and haptic feedback technologies, there
is a world of transducer solutions that
continue to improve. This article reviews
the history and working principles of
those shakers and details some notable
examples now available in the market.
50 Four Digital Stylus Force Gauges
By Gary Galo
If you want to get the most from your turntable,
tonearm, and phono cartridge, an accurate stylus
tracking force gauge is essential. Many manufacturers
refer to "stylus pressure" as "stylus force" — the two
terms are interchangeable. Gary Galo tests a few of
the gauges currently available.
58 Vanderveen Trans-SE10 Secrets
By Menno van der Veen
Recently, a new tube-amplifier DIY kit was brought
to market by Vanderveen (design) and Tentlabs (kit
manufacturing). The net result is remarkably detailed
sound reproduction where the tubes' second harmonic
and output transformer magnetic distortions are
minimized. In this article, the "why and how" of the
unusual design are explained by its designer.
68 The Live-Edge Dipoles
By Perry Marshall
Perry Marshall has built almost every kind of speaker
you can imagine. One day during a visit to Big Red
Sawmill in Palmyra, NE, he had the desire to build
the Live-Edge Dipoles. He bought two slabs of birch
and brought them home to Chicago, IL. This dipole
system achieves Constant Directivity across the entire
audio spectrum.
76 Getting Started With Automotive Audio Bus (Part 4)
Designing and Building Systems
By Brewster LaMacchia
The first three parts of this article series examined the
basics of A2B technology, how data moves between
nodes with fixed latency, A2B phantom power, and the
chip's LVDS interface. This article takes a step back
and looks at creating systems and the tools that are
available to speed up that process. One of the nice
things about A2B development is that it is license/
royalty free, and ADI offers the software libraries and
SigmaStudio design tool at no charge.
Market Update — Speakers and Transducers
Sound Control
40 Cone Loudspeaker
Radiation and Directionality
By Richard Honeycutt
Audio Scope
46 Simple Improvements to
a Recent Audio MFB Filter
Lowers Harmonic Distortion
By Michael Steffes
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