T.H.E. Show Newport Beach 2012
The Home Entertainment Show
Report By Jeff Poth
Pardon my
brevity, but you're here for the gear porn right? And there's plenty of that!

Concert Fidelity and Estelon

Joseph Audio speakers showing off the Lynx HiLo USB ADC/DAC

Rather handy for vinyl archiving eh?

Bob’s Devices Phono Stepups

Bob with his Devices. They seem to be well thought out and he’s getting custom iron for them.

Kimber Kable had their usual excellent displays, but the WBT NextGen binding posts were very nice.

Pass Labs Driving Sony

Sony did a nice job on traditional plywood cabinetry, very solid.

Isomike was showing with Sony and Pass as well.

Isomike also had some pretty Dynaudios.

A couple of the Legacy models... that is a huge speaker!

Lot of 'em fro Legacy!
Ayon Audio from Australia

Lumen Whites with um... Luminous lights...

Venture showed several of their models, of note was the wide variety and the use of a
2" cone mid-tweeter

Venture also had their line of amps

MBL sounding nice!

Magico Q3
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