Stereophile Show -- Home Entertainment 2007 Hi-Fi and Home
Theater Event

By Rick Becker
here to e-mail reporter.

a little like visiting a Science Fair — so much to see, so much to learn.
But that's not why I write audio show reports. Music is the social lubricant
of civilization. And this industry helps people enjoy it more. If more people
listened to music more often, as well as a wider variety of music, there might
be a lot less hatred and strife in the world. Al Qaeda, on the other hand,
judging from their activity in Pakistan, would like to snuff out music, among
other things. So in some small round-about way, this is my contribution to the
war on terror. It's also my contribution to people in the industry who work
so hard to make music sound better. Without their magnificent creations, my
interest in music would have withered.
Check-in at the show was a breeze, and my bi-annual hug with
Lucette Nicole, the show organizer, made me feel instantly at home as the Home
Entertainment show returned to New York after a year at Los Angeles. In
addition to old friends who drifted in from as far away as California, I
reached out to chat briefly with Sam Tellig and Wes Phillips for the first
time. John Marks, Mike Fremer and Robert Deutsch were three familiar faces,
and two writers I was hoping to meet again did not seem to be present, Kal
Rubinson and Art Dudley. There were also a number of familiar faces from the
recent show in Montreal. It was nice to break muffins and spill coffee with
our hosts. After stuffing my fanny pack with a tall bottle of Mt. Dew and a
half-dozen granola bars, I hit the floor as the rooms opened on Saturday

In the Lamm Industries room the intended star of
their show was a lone ML3 Signature monoblock sitting at the side of the room
like a dancer without a partner. It is a 32 watt single ended design
with a separate power supply. Unfortunately, its mate was inoperable due to
shipping damage, which is really unfortunate considering they cost
about $63K each. A back-up pair of ML2.1s was pressed into service to drive a
pair of Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 8s that were strangely placed far back
into the corners of the room. A Lamm L2 preamplifier with its separate power
supply and LP-2 phono stage were further upstream. The front ends were
spectacular with the Metronome Technologie Kalista CD transport ($34K)
seen here with the gold CD spinning in open air. The Gaia turntable was
equally eye-popping at $35K. Critical Mass Systems isolation and
damping systems took care of vibrations with a series of component stands that
brought the height of components to a common level, eliminating the need to
bend way down to operate them — a big plus — as well as amplifier stands
beneath the Lamms. Kubala-Sosna's highly regarded cables provided the
connections. While the room still sounded very good, it was not as good as I
heard the Watt/Puppy 8 in Montreal or later on in the show in the BAT room
where the loudspeakers were brought further out from the front wall. I
really jumped into the show at the deep end here. This ultra-high end room was
clearly a room for the few.

As you see in the photo, the Escalante Designs
Fremont loudspeaker was placed far out into the long room. Like my previous
experience reviewing their Pinyon monitors and Uinta subwoofer, and hearing
the Fremont in Montreal last month, the soundstage is exceedingly recessed and
deep. I had the pleasure of meeting designer Tierry Budge for the first
time and asked him about this phenomenon. He explained that the 55 microsecond
rise time of his exceptionally fast 12” woofer allows more ambient room
information to come into play after the rapid decay of the note, creating this
greater perception of a recessed soundstage. (Of course his explanation was
considerably more detailed and technical). As I reported from Montreal, the
Fremonts have outstanding resolution. They were run here with a dCS
Scarlatti transport with separate power supply and a dCS DAC. With a VTL
preamplifier and powerful VTL tube monoblocks the Fremonts sounded even better
in this larger room. Seen here is Matt Waldron, chief honcho at
Escalante, and Tierry on the right.
usually puts on a rather straightforward display. Yet his room is simply one
of the Best Rooms year after year because the music itself is inviting,
involving and eminently listenable. An Audio Aero Prestige CD player
($14K) was at the front end and the latest VSM MXe, lead-free European version
of his Merlin floorstanders (with super bam) was at the other ($10.5K).
Everything was connected with Cardas Golden Reference cables. The star
this year was the premiere of the Ars Sonum Filarmonia integrated
amplifier putting out 30 wpc (the first 22 watts in Class A). I've had the
fascinating experience of watching and hearing this amplifier develop over the
past several years when I would visit Bobby on my way to furniture shows in
North Carolina. It has grown into a beautiful swan that can sing with the best
of them. What started out as a $3500 amplifier now commands $4000 due to the
devaluation of the U.S. dollar and given the sound I heard with the Merlins,
this is still a great value. Both the amplifier and his loudspeakers are built
with lead-free solder, which Bobby asserts improves the sound as well as being
good for the environment — not that you will want to throw either into your
local landfill. At the end of the show I revisited the room and had the
pleasure of meeting the manufacturer of the amplifier, Sr. Ricardo
Hernandez, from Spain.
Next door was Gershman Acoustics with their flagship
Black Swan loudspeaker driven by Simaudio Moon electronics connected
with Magnan Cables. While the room still lacked acoustic treatments
(aside from a few pillow in front of the window shade), and the components
were simply stacked on top of each other on the floor, this was simply the
best I had ever heard any Gershman loudspeaker. It is tantalizing to think of
what a few simple tweaks might do for this system. A few doors down in
1667 they had their new Sonogram loudspeaker, now priced at $2700/pr. This was
my second look at the painted faux wood finish and I have to admit, with all
my furniture background, I do not find it the least bit objectionable for the
intended purpose. The music, driven by the Simaudio Moon i5.3 integrated
amplifier and the CD5.3 player from their Classic Series, grabs your attention
and the system presented excellent value. Check out my Montreal report for
photos (LINK IT HERE!!).
Where's Elmo? Somewhere on
the back of a loudspeaker... possibly in the High Water Sound room, I spotted
this unusual tweak that is sure to set off another flurry of scientific
exploration and argument, as well as possibly a smile or two.
At the Lipinski Sound room I finally found a surround
system that could play my Mozart Violin Concertos recorded using the
new DXD (Digital eXtreme Definition) technology developed in Norway.
(See for details). This
technology records four times the data of DSD using 32 bit floating point at
352.8kHz. This leaves plenty of headroom for editing and balancing before the
signal is downsized to DSD. The recording of Marianne Thorsen and the
Trondheim Solistene is packaged as a two-CD set, one in SACD/DSD surround, and
the other in Red Book stereo CD. In my rig at home, the stereo CD is the best
classical recording I've ever heard there. At the Lipinski Sound room in
SACD surround, the recording delivered a magnificent sense of Being There.
The orchestra was properly located to the front of the room,
but the sense of hall space was enveloping, allowing a very small leap of
imagination to the event itself. The Lipinski system incorporates their L-707
monitors (with D'Appolito driver configuration) and their power amplifiers
nestled within the stands below the loudspeakers. I spoke with Lukas Lipinsky
who told me the system runs about $6K per channel. Two subwoofers at $2K each
were employed and they seemed to mate seamlessly during my brief audition. And
unfortunately, it was brief. Lipinski also produces their own CDs and he
switched back to one of their own. Regardless, I was very highly impressed
with this surround system using Sony SACD gear at the front end. I came away
thinking that with this DXD recording technology, CD is climbing even higher,
just as it is being eclipsed by music servers — much in the same way LP
playback improved by giant steps when it was eclipsed by the CD. If I was on
the recording side of the fence, I would certainly check out DXD. Can you
hear me now?
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