At the opening of the show there was a huge crowd waiting in
line for their show badges.

Michael Kalellis of Analysis Audio gladly held the award for VPI's
2008 Blue Note Award-winning turntable and tonearm.

Music Direct vinyl display. If you music on vinyl, RMAF 2008 was a great place
to be!

AMR CD-777 ($11,995) tubed CD player is both balanced and single-ended. AMR was also proud sponsors of Enjoy the Track
SCCA Driver Champion Formula 2000 race car driver Steven R. Rochlin.

Ron Cornelis of McIntosh accepted the award for their MS300 Music Server.

Grammy nominated Reference Recordings offers many music titles that audiophile swear by.

Of course Acoustic Sounds had a large display with many original titles and excellent
reissues on vinyl.

The amazing Tri-Planar tonearm.

Ralph Karsten, chief designer of Atma-Sphere, stands with his MA1 MK.III
OTL monoblock tube amplifier and Classic Audio Reproductions hornspeakers.

YG Acoustic model Anat 2 Reference loudspeaker ($107,000) full range
floorstanders looked very impressive. These units employs the new Aluminator ScanSpeak drivers, which are above the Revelators, so
one should expect excellent sound.

Chris Hoff of Balanced Power Technology (BPT) received the award for their BP-2 unit.

Aaudio Imports is now offering the Millennium Audio accessories from Germany that includes the Carbon CD and LP mat, Tuning Weights and Analog protractor set, etc.

Tyler Acoustic had a world premiere of their Decade D1 ($9500/pr including shipping) loudspeakers. This is a true D'Appolito design and go from 28Hz to 20kHz. Also in the room was Silver Circle Audio power filters.

Paul McGowan of PS Audio holds the 2008 Blue Note Award for the Quintet Power Filter.

Concert Fidelity had their CF-080LS preamplifier and SPA-48 phonostage ($18,000 and $14,000 respectively. We have reviewed their
preamplifier, which received an Enjoy the Music.com 2008 Blue Note Award.
Click here for
Saturday's show coverage.