January 2014
Woo Audio WTP-1 CD Transport And WDS-1 DAC
Simplicity of design and modest pricing makes this duo a
Review By Anthony Nicosia
business since 2004 Woo Audio was founded by Wei Wu and his two sons. Their
mission then and to this day remains, to fulfill the desires of the most
demanding audiophiles by designing and handcrafting high-end audio equipment to
delight both the listener's eyes and ears. With over 40 years' of experience
building amplifiers and other electronic products Wei Wu came to the conclusion
that a simple design would sound the best. As a result, his philosophy is based
on simplicity of design, both electronically and esthetically. Simplicity
also means cost-effectiveness, so it is hardly surprising that Woo Audio has
earned a reputation for building products that satisfy even the most demanding
music lovers all coming in at a very reasonable price. It was quite interesting
to note that on their website the following was found:
"Everything Should Be Made as Simple as
Possible, But Not Simpler" -- Albert Einstein
Pretty smart fellow that Einstein and when you
consider he did all that theorizing before the onset of computers well that in
itself is even more mind-boggling. Speaking of creative people, Wei Wu is the
company’s chief engineer with Zhi Dong being the co-engineer and mastermind
behind all those elegant case designs. Then there is of course Jack, who, in
addition to his technical responsibilities, is the public face of the company.
It is through Jack that I was able to arrange this review.
Actually I first discovered Woo Audio quite by
accident, when searching for tube amplifiers via the internet. Luckily for me I
found a link to their product lineup where I was immediately struck by the sight
of the beautiful WDS-1 DAC and the WTP-1 CD transport. The fact that they were
priced at only $1199 a piece, not bad for a high end product, quickly grabbed my
immediate attention. Currently my system sports an Oppo Digital BDP-95 universal
player ($995 when new). The Oppo is a great all around disc player that can do
Redbook, SACD and DVD Audio as well as being a Blu-ray player. Having quite the
reputation for being "a giant killer" among the world of CD players I
thought it quite interesting to see how well this combo from Woo Audio would
stack up against it. Doing my due diligence by reading through the Woo Audio
website and looking over all their tube power and headphone amplifiers
beforehand I had a strong hunch the WDS-1 and WTP-1 would do just fine. Happily
that proved to have been a wise educated guess on my part.
Ok so the WTP-1 is not a Blu-ray player, I have a
separate room/player for that, and reads only Redbook discs but honestly most of
my friends have Redbook only CD's anyway. SACD and DVD Audio sadly just never
did seem to take off with the mainstream public. As for the WDS-1 it was
made to go with the WTP-1 but can also be used with other makers’ players as
well. What this combo from Woo Audio has that others may find lacking is a
volume control, allowing one to eliminate the need for a preamplifier from the
audio chain. Simplicity is good as it puts less between the recording and you.
The more that is in-between the more things might change and the more expensive
it can get. Think not only the preamplifier but an extra power cord,
interconnects and even maybe the need for a larger power conditioner to allow
for that extra equipment. Come to think of it when you consider the cost of my
$5000 Aesthetics’ Saturn Calypso preamplifier maybe these products from Woo
Audio are actually much cheaper than those players who lacking a volume control
are in need of the expensive of a separate preamplifier.
The following review was mostly done bypassing
any preamplifier in an effort to display the capabilities of both products from
Woo Audio. The WDS-1 comes with two settings, one for "slow" the other
"sharp", my preference was for the slightly extra detailing that came
with the sharp setting, and was how most listening was performed. You will of
course want to experiment with each setting as your tastes and room may very
well vary from mine. Connections between the player and my amplifier were
accomplished in balanced mode using Acoustic Revive XLR cables.
WTP-1 Technical Data
On the design side this transport is housed in a
beautiful all-aluminum layered chassis with screws hidden from any viewing
angles giving it a nice sculptured look. Being a top loaded player access to the
transport is done via an arm attached to its cover. Simply move the room to the
left to gain access to the transport. Once inside you will find a SONY laser
head and mechanism along with a magnetic disc clamp to place on top of your CD's
before playing. Made especially for the WTP-1 is a customized toroidal power
transformer, ultra-low temperature coefficient Crystal clock and high damping
suspension springs for the CD tray. There are Individual power supplies for both
digital and mechanical circuits, multi-layer military grade PCBs along with
Ultra-low noise, high precision resistors. As for the crystal oscillator it is
located at the DAC chip to help keep jitter low. Foot stands cost only $15 for a
set of four and are necessary when stacking the WTP-1 directly on top of the
WDS-1 DAC. An AC umbilical cord to attach Transport to D/A can be had factory
direct for only $10. Standard with the transport, but a $90 option with the D/A
is an all-aluminum remote control. The remote is relatively small, sturdy and
fits easily in most hands. Its only drawback, if you can call it that, is there
are no numbers with which to recall tracks but rather one must move back and
forth one at a time or in fast forward mode.
There are four digital displays with matching buttons on the
front panel to control CD operations. On the rear panel are outputs, one each,
for S/PDIF coaxial, TosLink optical and XLR AES/EBU. If you are looking for the
on/off switch you just might be in for a surprise. It is on the top front left
hand corner. The WTP-1(transport) and WDS-1 DAC from Woo Audio can either be
placed side by side or stacked one onto the other if the optional feet and AC
umbilical cord are purchased. Once done turning on the WTP-1 activates the WDS-1
simultaneously, hence the reason for the location of the on/off switch to be on
the top corner and under the feet/weight of the WTP-1 when stacked on top.
WDS-1 Technical Data
Like its companion the WDS-1 also has an all-aluminum layered
chassis (with screws hidden from view) individual power supplies for both
digital and analog circuitries, a custom built toroidal power transformer and
multi-layer military grade PCBs. Chipset is a PCM1795 D/A and Sampling rate is
up to 192kHz/24-bit for all inputs. Looking at the back panel one sees Inputs
for Asynchronous USB 2.0, TosLink optical, XLR AES/EBU and S/PDIF coaxial with
outputs one each of RCA unbalanced and XLR balanced. Again the on/off switch is
located on the front left hand side to either be turned on manually or placed
under the WTP-1 transport for simultaneous power on/off operation. There are
four digital displays with matching buttons on the front panel. One each for
input and filter and two for volume control allowing the transport to be used
without a preamplifier if you so choose.
Let The Music Begin
Having been a while since last listening to Bob Dylan it
seemed that maybe it would be fun to rekindle memories from my youth by playing
songs from his Blonde on Blonde CD
[Columbia CGK 841]. This classic Dylan album has been well received and is
packed with many popular hit songs, one of my favorites being "I Want
You". Here we can clearly hear Dylan’s signature vocals in its entire
splendor. If however you prefer to take some of the sharp edge off his voice
just hit the filter button on the remote and switch from a sharp to a soft
setting. For me the preference leaned towards the sharp filter adjustment giving
both vocals and harmonica a more realistic sound. Those with a system that
already sounds overly analytical might opt for the soft setting to thus avoiding
sounding over the top with detail presence. On the classic "Rainy Day Women"
my Magnepan loudspeakers had no problem throwing a wide soundstage left/right.
Members of the band could be pinpointed on stage whooping it up in the
background as Dylan sung the lyrics. This Woo Audio duo delivered the goods with
emotional content and detail throughout this entire album, bringing back sweet
memories of days long since forgotten.
As long as we are dipping into songs from yesterday it seemed
like a good idea to play something from the Grateful Dead’s album American
Beauty [Rhino R2 74397]. On "Friend of the Devil" we are treated
to a spectacular listening experience with Jerry Garcia on guitar/vocals and
David Grisman playing Mandolin. Again set on sharp the presentation was vivid
and full of all the minute details this musical experience had to offer. It is
time to talk about bass and "Truckin'" was a good place to start as the song
geared down into those lower regions with the help of both guitars and drums.
When playing this track it is good to turn up the volume and let it take you for
a ride you can feel in your chest. I am not talking about some overly hyped up
exaggerated bass notes but just good rock and roll feel good music grabbing at
you with tight clarity.
Moving now into a more laid back jazz mode it was time to
place the CD Jazz on the Row, a 2007 Sampler CD [2007 San Jose Jazz] into
the transport. With twelve difference performers recorded there it was difficult
selecting only a few as all were so very good. The vocals of Nicolas Bearde on "Can We Pretend" put me in the state of mind to grab for a nice glass of
wine to sharing with close friends or perhaps just my wife and myself. The Woo
audio transport and DAC were able to convey a level of emotional content one
would want from a jazz selection without missing any of the inner details of the
musical event. To feel the performance without missing out on the physical
features of the individual playing of instruments was indeed a great joy. This
duo did nothing to stand in the way of allowing a double bass to emotionally
express itself without the loss of the finer texturing of notes that they
defined so sharply. Please do not get me started on Kaye Bohler "I’d Rather
Go Blind" as here vocals were simply magnificent with an ample sense of air
around her voice. When she sang the music filled the space between my
loudspeakers giving me a sense that the loudspeakers had disappeared. You know
how some songs just get you involved well this duo from Woo Audio never failed
to take me there as song after song took hold of me and never let go. The WTP-1
and WDS-1 sounded so good that I quickly forgot the preamplifier had been taken
out of the loop.
There are two things that matter a great deal in the NFL,
speed and size. Also like the NFL they may not be the only things worthy of
discussing but still many audiophiles find this on their list of must haves. One
reason to purchase my Magnepan 3.6 speakers is that they offer up a healthy plate of
both. The CD Polyphonic Dialogues [2L63] from 2L featuring Joachim
Kwetzinsky on piano was spectacular as it displayed both ample quantities of
speed and a true sense of the instruments lifelike size. Could this combo
rock? You bet it could and switching over to the Rolling Stones Get
Yer YA-YA’s Out [abkco 90052] proved it to me. Here the band
sounded true to form on "Sympathy for the Devil" as a good sense of pace
made one want to move with the music. The width of the soundstage and depth of
soundscape on "Honky Tonk Women" was refreshing. You got a good sense of the
distance from the stage to individual layers within the audience. This was very
impressive indeed. Sometimes equipment reviews come along that get me lost into
feeling good about the music rather than searching for technical reasons as to
why. That’s how this reviewed ended up which is a testament to both the gear
from Woo Audio and of course the music itself.
2L has some very good recordings and many like the Polyphonic
Dialogues mentioned above are SACD Hybrids and therefore can still be
played back with the WTP-1 reading just their Redbook CD tracks. Another SACD
Hybrid CD is the String Quartets [2L71] album. Here an excerpt from Ludwig van
Beethoven’s "String Quartet in E flat major, Op, 74 "Harp" highlighted
some of the Woo Audio’s strongpoints. Soundscape width and depth were immense
with layers of musicians pinpointed clearly within the performance. As it did
with vocals there was a sense of air around instruments adding a sense of
realism to the performance on hand. String instruments exhibited good inner
detail as even small vibrations became clear and the slow decay of notes took me
that much closer to the sound of a live performance. This music from 2L and the
two components from Woo Audio was just an incredible match exhibiting how good
each truly are.
Woo Audio and my McIntosh MC2102 Tube Power Amplifier
I just could not resist placing the McIntosh MC2102 with its
100-Watts of tube power into the chain. This amplifier is equipped with eight
KT88, four 12AX7 and four 12AT7 tubes. My Aesthetix Saturn Calypso
tube/hybrid preamplifier was used as a bridge between the Woo Audio products and
the power amplifier. The McIntosh was connected to the preamplifier by way of
XLR cables from Monarchy Audio. This was how my system is normally used with a
preamplifier in the chain and how I thought it fitting to finish up this review
Yo-Yo Ma & Friends Songs
of Joy & Peace [Sony Classical 88697-24414-2] has a wide
selection of various performers and musical styles each accompanied of course
YO-YO MA on Cello. The MC2102 by its very tube amplifier nature took some of the
sharpness off the music in exchange for that midrange magic many of us so dearly
love. On "Here Comes the Sun" the vocals of James Taylor took on a deeper
sense of depth and dimensionality plus a little warmer tone as well. The sound
of the Cello had a smaller club feel to it bringing the performance closer to
me. There were many ways that made me prefer pairing the Woo Audio duo with my
tube amplifier and hybrid tube preamplifier. Perhaps that is because Woo Audio
is so heavily into tube products and it would seem only natural they should use
their own tube gear to voice this setup. Either way they were still a welcomed
addition to my system used with either my solid-state or tube power amplifier
and with or without a preamplifier. The harmony of the trio from the Assad
family on "Familia" sounded far more in tune with each other than I had
remembered. Again some of that sharpness eased back a bit but only in exchange
for more of a life like overall tonal quality to both instruments and vocals.
That exchange for you will prove to be a personal experience but one I doubt
will disappoint you whichever way you choose to go as these are quality products
from Woo Audio.
Renee Fleming on "Touch the Hand of Love" gave a proper
sense of distance between her and the backup singers. Towards the end of the
song the long decay of her voice hanging in the air to slowly trail off left me
sitting there in awe. But what about the bass man, the bass, could it still give
you that good feeling even with tubes? For that answer I moved over to the
Santana CD Supernatural and the song "Maria Maria". Here that old familiar
feel it in your chest bass seemed close to tight as ever. Perhaps it was backed
off a bit but that was a product of the tube amplifier and not the players. When
reinserting my solid-state amplifier for a moment the bass did tighten up a
small notch. The opening guitar sequence from Everlast’s "Put Your Lights
On" sounded truly masterful as he so lightly touched upon those chords giving
one a sense of the delicate nature to his performance while his husky vocal
style remained the same adding a nice contrast to the event. Once again none of
the "fun" aspect of the performance was lost here with this dynamic duo from
Woo Audio and the tube amplifier.
Summing it all up this combination of players did an
incredible job at their price point and a bit beyond. You may opt to use them
with a preamplifier or not, that is your choice. Just like setting it to sharp
or slow will be a personal decision you must make. With regards to simplicity,
Albert Einstein would surely have been proud.
Obviously by now you must have understood just have well
received these two products from Woo Audio were welcomed into my home. If you
have a CD only system, which mine is not, then a preamplifier might be something
you care to do without. This alone justifies these two products as an outright
steal of a deal. Please understand there are better players out there but it
will cost you dearly and you just might not think their differences worth all
that extra money. While not finding them extraordinary in any particular area
they were very highly rated across the board without any noticeable glaring
weaknesses. These products would do well placed in a high-end audio setup or
connected to a computer if desired. However you decide to use this setup I would
think you will "Enjoy the Music" as they are both quality components from
the design team at Woo Audio. A definite high recommendation is in order here.
The Listening Environment
The review room is eighteen feet eight inches long by thirteen feet wide with
loudspeakers and equipment kept on the short wall. The cathedral ceiling starts
at eight feet on the short wall slopping upwards to reach a height of thirteen
feet in the middle than returning to eight feet at the opposite end. The
hardwood floor is partially covered by a nine by six foot oriental rug lying
down the long ways facing toward the loudspeakers, placed dead center between
but not under the listener or the audio rack. The room has no doors but there
are two openings. One opening is in front of the right loudspeaker on the long
wall giving access to the hallway the other behind the listening position to a
formal dining area. There are two large floor standing GIF Tri-trap acoustical
panels one in each corner of the short wall in front of the listener and two
panels from Acoustic Revive (AR) located on the wall directly behind each
loudspeaker. A third AR panel is placed flat against the right side wall with
Numerous Auralex Studiofoam squares to found placed along walls and high up in
each of the four corners of the room. All the audio equipment is located in
a Synergy Twin S30 Salamander audio rack placed about a foot away from and in
the middle of the short wall opposite the listening position.
Review Equipment
Magnepan 3.6R Loudspeakers
McIntosh MC452 Solid-State Power Amplifier
McIntosh MC2102 Tube Power Amplifier
Aesthetix Saturn Calypso Tube/Hybrid Preamplifier
Audience aR2p-TO Power Conditioner (connected to amplifier)
Acoustic Revive RPT-4 Ultimate Power Supply Box
Cherry Synergy Twin S30 Salamander audio rack