January 2014
I first experienced the GS II power cables when I was planning to review
TweakGeek's excellent Stealth power conditioner. They sent me the power
cable as their recommended power cord for that conditioner. Unfortunately,
severe health issues struck me at that time, and I returned the Stealth
conditioner because I knew I would not be able to do the review in a reasonable
length of time. But I was so impressed by the performance of Paul Kaplan's power
cable that I hung onto it, and subsequently purchased several more of them. I
had been using power cables handmade by Jack Bybee. They were and are still
great-sounding, but as I have discussed previously my Chicago Loop 12th floor
apartment is a location I call "RFI Ground Zero." It is bombarded by
microwave transmissions and surrounded within a mile by at least four TV
transmission towers, and it has the most severe RFI problem I have ever
encountered anywhere. The Bybee power cables were unshielded, and I could hear
an unacceptable noise level and even intelligible radio chatter when I was
listing to LPs or CDs. Paul Kaplan's GS II power cables turned out to be much
quieter, impervious to RFI, and they also sounded terrific. So that was my
introduction to those creations. Subsequently, I asked Paul to send me his speaker cables and interconnects, which he was just beginning to market at that time. I liked them, finding them very musical, and they too seemed unaffected by RFI. At that time I had settled on JPS Aluminata interconnects, finding them the best-shielded interconnects and very much liking their well balanced, highly detailed and spatially remarkable presentation. They were of course very thick, heavy and inflexible, and not easy to manipulate, and they were very expensive. Paul Kaplan's first interconnects were very
attractive, with their light weight and flexibility and of course their
lower prices but I found them slightly lacking by comparison to the JPS in
high-frequency detail and "openness." I characterized those
first interconnects as a bit "midrangy." So I decided at the
time to return them and stick with the JPS. I had a similar reaction to the
comparison of my then-reference JPS Superconductor 3 speaker cables versus Paul
Kaplan's original iteration of his speaker cables. Nevertheless, I stayed in touch with Paul Kaplan. He is an engaging and intelligent individual, and I found our conversations stimulating. We often disagreed, but the disagreements were beneficial in challenging my own notions about audio. Earlier this year Paul mentioned that he had
developed new iterations of his interconnects and speaker cables, as well as
improving his already superb power cables. The temptation was too much to
resist, so I asked him to let me hear the new versions. Now, a few months later,
I have fallen in love with the newly christened Waveform Fidelity cable family,
and my entire system is now uniformly connected with these remarkable wires. I
feel that these are musically competitive with anything I have heard, and that
at their relatively affordable price, they constitute one of the outstanding
values to be found in this often overpriced and over gimmicked part of the
audiophile marketplace. Let's take a look at the particulars of the Waveform
Fidelity cable family.
Description and Technical Highlights
Paul also uses a proprietary "tuning"
technology that he prefers not to
discuss in detail. For the user, this feature is manifested simply by
directionality. Many cables, of course, call for directionality, typically
indicated by arrows on the cable pointing to the proper orientation. So there is
no unusual burden on the user; simply pay attention to the proper direction of
signal flow.
A Few Points About Waveform Fidelity
Cables GS III Speaker Cables ($2495 for 8 foot pair + $200
per added foot) Interconnects ($1495 for 1 meter pair + $300 per added
meter RCA or XLR)
Equipment I next installed the interconnects. All but one
of these were single-ended RCA: a phono cable from the output jacks of my VPI
Aires 3 turntable to the inputs of my Ray Samuels XR-10b phono stage; from my
Modwright/Denon 3910 all-format disc player and JoLida tubed tuner to my
preamplifier. (This amazing preamp begins life as a modest JoLida Fusion, but
has been modified extensively by Wells Audio with Bybee Music Rails and his best
AC purifies, and fabulous NOS tubes. The result is the best-sounding
preamplifier I have ever heard. It decisively outperforms my previous VTL TL 750
Series II, which I have now sold. I have not reviewed the new preamp because it
is custom-modified rather than a standard offering, but it is a remarkable
achievement.) RCA interconnects also connect the preamplifier to my two Wells
Audio Innamorata power amplifiers, in a passive vertically bi-amp'ed
configuration. (I reviewed this amplifier in our September issue; a follow-up
review of the bi-amp'ed configuration appears in this issue.) One pair of XLR
interconnects links the phono stage to the preamp. Finally, after I had spent a while evaluating the
interconnects, I added two pairs of the GS III speaker cables to my beloved
Analysis Amphitryon planar/ribbon dipoles. At this point the entire system is
connected with Waveform Fidelity cables.
To Waveform Fidelity The major comparison here is the Waveform
Fidelity interconnects versus the JPS Aluminatas. I have already mentioned the
user-friendly lightness and flexibility of the Waveforms compared to the
difficulties of using the heavy, inflexible JPS. But after listening carefully,
I can say that the Waveform Fidelity interconnects are more to my liking
sonically as well. The sound is beautifully balanced from bass to the upper
registers no edginess, nothing that distracts attention from the music. The
system's imaging and soundscaping, which was already excellent with the JPS
interconnects, is now even more precise in locating specific instruments within
an orchestra or laying out a chamber group. Switching over from the JPS Superconductor 3
speaker cables to the Waveform Fidelity GS III speaker cables simply extended
the virtues I had already assigned to the new interconnects. The major change
from this step was an improvement in spatial resolution: imaging became even
more precise, and the soundscape became both wider and deeper. After my stroke
in September 2012, when I came home I was confined to a wheelchair for quite a
while. I had to have my speakers moved closer together to let me get past my
left-channel loudspeaker into my office. That had originally narrowed the size
of the soundscape. But now it is as wide as ever. This is perhaps the most
surprising improvement I hear from the GS III speaker cables. A few examples will illustrate this point. Two of
my favorite orchestral recordings are the Mahler First Symphony with Ivan
Fischer and the Budapest Festival Orchestra on Channel Classics and the
Rachmaninoff Symphonic Dances with Valery Gergiev conducting the London Symphony
Orchestra on LS0 Live. The Mahler is recorded with a mid-to-rear-hall
perspective, whereas the Rachmaninoff is much more close-up. Those different
approaches are immediately evident now. The augmented Emerson Quartet playing
the Tchaikovsky Souvenir of Florence
and the string sextet's version of Schoenberg's Transfigured Night places the players firmly across the
soundscape. (I heard this same program live last season, and now when I listen
with eyes closed it's as if I have the best seat in the house!) Unnatural recordings are ruthlessly exposed. The
new Sony release of Lang Lang playing the Prokofiev and Bartok Third Piano
Concertos gives us a piano so spotlighted that it practically drowns out the
Berlin Philharmonic! Spotlighting the soloist is not unusual, unfortunately, but
this is a particularly annoying example. A much better example of recording a
concerto is Isabelle Faust playing the Bartok Violin Concertos with conductor
Daniel Harding and the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra on harmonia mundi. These
wonderfully intense performances locate the violin very plausibly against the
orchestra a very convincing recorded perspective. The GS III speaker cables
make such differences more clearly audible than I was able to hear previously. I can cite numerous other examples. The luminous
vocal simplicity of Iris DeMent surrounded naturally by acoustic players on Sing
the Delta. The great jazz singing and piano of Patricia Barber on The
Cole Porter Mix. ON
company information an endless series of recordings in different genres I feel
time after time that is like experiencing a recording virtually for the first
Specifications Prices:
Company Information Voice: (718) 789-8224