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August 2021


The UK Celebrates 'Freedom Day'
We all got a little freaky in the last year or so.
Editorial By Alan Sircom

Hi-Fi+ Issue August 2021


  As I write this, the UK just celebrated 'Freedom Day', where the restrictions of COVID-19 were 'finally' lifted. While there is more than a little trepidation about this course of action both at home and in the rest of the world, it's hoped that the time of lockdowns and 'stay at home/shelter in place' orders are mostly behind us, and we have to collectively learn how to get on with life again. Audio has been one of those home items that has helped us get through the lockdowns, but now what?

One of the interesting aspects of the lockdown is we had unfettered access to our audio systems because many of us were home so much more than usual. As someone who has racked up a distressing amount of air miles over the years (my carbon footprint was King Kong sized), I don't think I've spent this long away from an airport in 30 years. And while that 24/7 access to audio equipment comes with the job, those who are now facing a return to 'normal' (whatever that is) might find their audio habits have changed and might struggle to change them back.

The answer might be set 'Hobby Time' sessions. Having so much access to music as an evening's entertainment during lockdowns makes it hard to recreate that feeling of unlimited access when you are back to going about your business as normal. It seems paradoxical, but by consciously restricting your audio sessions to two or three two-hour sessions every week, you can reset your enjoyment of music.


Hi-Fi+ Issue August 2021


We all got a little freaky in the last year or so. It wasn't that unusual for someone to sit down and try for a mammoth "I'm going to listen to every Beethoven symphony this weekend" session, due in part to having so many hours on our hands. By consciously limiting those sessions to pre-determined events at a set time and duration a few times per week, we limit the risk of burn-out now that the real world encroaches on our little world once more.

You could call it 'Music Hour' but I think that such sessions need to be longer than just an hour, and 'Hobby Time' allows for occasional audio tuning session, too!

Hi-Fi+ was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Stuart Tyler of ProAc and Luis Campos of Imacoustica. Both leave a legacy, both in the audio world and beyond, one that will not easily be repeated. They will both be sorely missed and our thoughts go out to their families and friends.



Alan Sircom, Editor Hi-Fi+





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