Part One

The new phone books are here! The new phone books are here! Here
we are in San
Francisco on May 28, 1997. After sharing a great breakfast with J. Skull and his
as we discussed Formula One racing it was off to da show. As usual my first priority is
hitting the music vendors to scoff up all the cool new music. Classic Records had the new
Miles Davis Kind of Blue on vinyl. According to my sources, it's better then
the UK pressing equivalent. DCC had Jethro Tull's "Aqualung" on their excellent
180 gram vinyl which was just released today (got one of the first copies right here
). Also released by DCC is Jefferson Airplane's second album titled Surrealistic
Pillow. Old rock 'n' roll never dies, it just keeps going and going and going. OH,
speaking of old rock... The EMI reissue of Pink Floyd's killer tuneage Dark Side of
the Moon. i'd tell ya more, yet let's just say there seems to be more and more new
vinyl comin' out on domestic and import pressings. Life is good. And to tease you, DCC is
going to release the album Elvis is Back at the end of this week. Now on to
just a few of the toys i saw today.
Sphynx Preamplifier
And the winner for the most sexually erotic preamplifier
goes hands down to the above unit. Using a dual mono design, the Sphynx offers a fully
tubed preamplifier which includes a MC phono stage for higher output cartridges. Using the
5U4 for rectification, the 417 for phono duties, and four 6922 tubes for pre-amplification
this unit seems just as serious as it is erotic. Interstate transformer coupling helps to
bring this yummy into the audio stratosphere. If all that's not enough for you, this unit
also uses a unique, log-linear separate right and left volume potentiometers. Offering one
phono input, five standard inputs, and one tape loop this is one serious new unit. (Said
with humor) Wonder if Madonna would buy it?

Amphion Monoblocks
New killer cool stuff is now being offered by CR
Development LTD. Making their transformers 'in-house' gives them the capability to insure
high quality, well matched transformers are in their units. They were showing lots
of goodies. The one which caught my eye was their new mirrored monoblocks called
the Amphion. Producing 12 watts per channel of single-ended 'class A' power they sounded
very good in my humble opinion, in their demo room. Stupid me didn't write down the tube
complement. i'll lookey-see tomorrow and update this info. Priced at $5,000 and finished
in chrome this might be seem in my personal music reproduction system shortly for a test
drive. On the road of life there are passengers and there are driver... Drivers wanted
Sonic Frontiers CD
Doing it's best impression as a UFO or a 60's retro
futuristic design is the new Sonic Frontiers CD transport (did i just say retro
futuristic). MAN, this baby will have all sorts of digital outputs, the top-o-the-line
Phillips laser and other yummies this sure looks like something right out of the TV show
Lost in Space! The unit seen here is a prototype. Not too sure of the official release
date but it looked too good for me to not mention it here. No price, no working unit, no
literature by Sonic Frontiers. Ok, this part of the report might be worthless information
wise but sometimes things are just nice to look at.

Nagra has decided to reenter the consumer market after many
years of absents. Nagra has been making highly rated equipment for over 45 years and if
you've even been to a high quality recording studio, odds are they had some Nagra gear.
Enter the new Nagra PL-P preamplifier. Anyone who's ever owned Nagra gear will tell you
it's built like a tank! What first made me go ga-ga is the fact that this unit uses tubes
and is 100% powered by a rechargeable battery system. Tubes on the go! Specifically,
standard rechargeable "D"-cell batteries makes the puppy sing. The power supply
regulation circuitry is dual DC to DC to ensure the unit is fed nice clean electricity. To
ensure high quality sound and to enhance battery life, this unit will only 'turn on' the
tubes specifically used for the various gain stages of the multiple inputs as needed.
Nagra even included a phono stage! Yep, a MC/MM phono stage from the folks who brought us
the industry standard Nagra D digital recorder. Amazing huh? Using custom, in-house made
transformers and variable capacitive loading from 47 pf to 837 pf, this phono stage is one
flexible dude. One 12AT7 and one 12AX7 serve as tube duties for the phono stage. For line
level inputs, well, you get three (far left knob). The next two knobs are for left and
right channel input level adjustments. To the right of those knobs is a classic analog
modulometer. Last, but not least, is the far right knob which adjusts the units output
level. The units line stage is also tubed via two 12AT7 and four 12AX7 glowies. All inputs
are via RCA connectors. i could go on and on about this unit, but then you might get some
idea that i'm gonna buy it or something :-) . Lookey here, it's a bloody Nagra!!! Need a
say more?
---> Part 2