Capital Audiofest 2012 Show Report
Coverage By Scot Hull of Part Time
VPI & Surreal
Mat Weisfeld of VPI
pulled me into the spacious Albright room that VPI was sharing with DSA, David
Berning, Luminous Audio Technology, and Surreal Sound Audio. Mat was
enthusiastic -- "Everything in here is made in the USA!" Harry Weisfeld was
demoing three different setups with VPI – a $10,000 Classic 4, sporting two
VPI tonearms, one with a Lyra Kleos cartridge and another with a Soundsmith
– and totally different sounds. Harry grabbed a Charlie Byrd album from
Crystal Clear Records in order to show off the Surreal
Sound Audio "Fifth Row" loudspeaker. Pricing on the Made in VA speaker
starts at $19,900 for the basic Baltic birch finish, which designer Ralph
Hellmer assured me is just gorgeous. The model shown, with a lustrous piano
black finish, is heftier $27,500.
As Harry was setting up, I circled the speaker, which is
devilishly hard to photograph – I almost wish Ralph had brought the birch so
I could show you what's going on in there! Ralph, like a good designer,
started slow but quickly accelerated into fourteen-syllable words, so I had
him start over. If I have this correct, the full range Tang Band W8-1772
driver handles most everything. But as we all know, it is below 100 Hz where
the big-money comes into speaker design, and Ralph was all over that with his "highly-modified
transmission-line" speaker design. The semi-cardioid response he's able to get
from his dipole-bass arrangement is really unusual, and he uses six 10"
drivers, hung vertically and opposed, to do it. This is a 95dB/W/m speaker,
good down to 25 Hz using the powered bass drivers, and Harry happily dialed it
up so that we could hear it at levels realistic "to what a drum kit actually
sounds like". Which is freakin' loud, in case you were wondering. But talk
about your punch-in-the-gut bass. Wow. WOW. Holy-cow!
Almost as impressive as the "Fifth Row" speakers was the
little $1300 VPI Traveler, the third VPI configuration in the room. This
little table is suspiciously good, and while the increased detail, bass and
separation of the bigger and much more expensive Classic 4 were all audible, I
found myself sneaking glances all around the room to see if anyone else
realized just how little you give up by moving down the VPI chain. Shown in a
festive red, white or blue plinth, this turntable is a helluva deal. Word of
advice? Grab one now before Team VPI wises up. No, seriously. Pick up the
phone, pronto.

Polk Audio
You know what's awesome? Polk
Audio. They showed their top of the line LSiM 707 floor standing
speakers, offered at an almost absurdly affordable (compared to the rest of
the show) $4000 per pair. I enjoyed the hell out of the Herbie Hancock &
Annie Lennox collaboration I heard and the sound presented as very robust and
muscular. The guys in the room were having a ball, cranking out a lot of "real
music" when they thought no one was looking. The fact that they were here at
all says something. It's not like the audiophile market is a real growth
segment for Polk, given their successful mid-market strategy. Yet, here they
were – for the third year in a row. When I expressed my amazement and
outright disbelief at this, I was told quite frankly that Polk loves to do
events like this. Their employees are all enthusiasts, hell, their motto is "For
the Love of Music". So, perhaps it's inevitable that the Baltimore-based giant
is here, and plans to be here in the future, supporting their home community.
Personally, this thrills me; I wish more Big Audio companies felt as strongly
about pushing the envelope of sound. Good on, ya, Polk!

Soundfield Audio
When you find a pair of speakers that have
integrated 18" subwoofers, it kinda begs to be abused. So, I did. I found AJ
of Soundfield
Audio demoing his now-shipping 1812 Overture speakers ($7500 a pair),
with their big, angled-back, coincident drivers and accompanying subs, and
promptly asked him to play a couple of torture tracks for me, on the off
chance we could generate a seismic event. I can happily report that we over
achieved in a most satisfying way by creating a momentary singularity –
those Higgs boson jokers can suck it. So, aside from my unkindness to the
entire hotel, whose structural integrity is now entirely suspect, the
Soundfield experience is right on track for blowing out your expectations for
what's up and coming in audio's high-end.
More seriously? This speaker had the most devastating bass
at the show, bar none. Next year, AJ can safely upgrade to a huge suite and
blow that out, too. Nice work on the "everything else" over the last time I'd
heard them at AXPONA. The subs are now di-polar. The top cabinet still sports the very fancy 12" BMS coaxial driver, but now a 6.5" Dayton Audio neodymium full-range driver hangs off the rear of that top cabinet, wired in-phase, making that unit a bi-pole.
Boxless sound with big-box punch. Winner, winner, chicken

Paolo Audio
Virginia-based Paolo
Audio had some very pretty cabinetwork on display. The little $1990
per pair Klassika speaker had no parallel surfaces anywhere, which is nifty to
look at and I'm sure it helps with cabinet resonance and internal reflections,
but I'm sure it's a total PITA to make. The single Tang Band W8-1808 driver is
good for 50 Hz to 20 kHz, 8 Ohms, 93dB/W/m sensitivity and was driven by a
matching $4690 Klassika Amplifier, a 30wpc brass and hardwood beauty sporting
a quartet of 6550 tubes and another quartet of 6SN7s. Pretty, well made, rich
and immediate-sounding, and matched with the coolest remote control at the
show – a "buttonless remote". This thing works but holding it up and aiming
the bass at the amp. In this position, the hand-filling wood surface is
exactly what it looks like, a knob – it is just not connected to anything.
Sensors embedded into it detect relative position, so, rotate it 90 degrees
one way and the volume goes up. The other way, and the volume goes down. And
sitting on your table, well, it just sits on the table, but it sure looks
pretty doing it.

Philharmonic Audio
Dennis Murphy, the gent who designed the Salk Sound Song Tower and HT2 loudspeakers, was on hand with his new venture,
Philharmonic Audio. While I was cruising through, Paul was
demo'ing the Philharmonic 3 ($3500) in his room, fronted by Van Alstine equipment. Featuring RAAL 10D ribbons, a BG Neo-Planar mid-range driver, and rounded out by an
8" ScanSpeak Revelator woofer, the Philharmonic 3 pushes a frequency response from 20 Hz to 30 kHz. I
hadn't intended to stay so long in this room, in order to be fair to others at the show, but with that first few notes from John
Williams' Star Wars (Main Theme), I was riveted to my seat. Big fan of orchestral music? Say hello to the Philharmonic. Philharmonic? Please take a bow. An outstanding debut!

Zu Audio
I swung by the Zu
Audio room with my usual expectations. Make that "trepidations". I've
said it before that, while I love what they do, I never have any idea what's
going with these speakers – because I have never, never,
recognized a single bloody thing they've ever played at any audio show ever.
EVER. I've heard... things... in the Zu Audio show rooms that can be loosely
described as reggae, pop or perhaps even metal, but honestly, I gave up trying
to keep track, and now I just go with it. I'm old, I guess, and that's okay.
Of course, given that head ZuKeeper Sean Casey is actually my age, this
display of, ah, music diversity,
is still somewhat embarrassing, but I console myself with the knowledge that
it must be his son Ian, whom I met at Newport, who's keeping Sean's record
collection fresh and interesting. Yeah. Well, that's what I tell myself, so
bite me.
Here at the Capital Audiofest, Sean brought the big Zu
Definition Mk IV ($12,796 per pair). This thing is a marvel – 101dB/W/m
sensitivity, 8 Ohms, and clean extension all the way to 14 Hz, courtesy of its
built-in subwoofers. To me, the new drivers have kicked up the sound quality a
notch or ten, and on this new Definition, there is an effortless, powerful
feeling that no amount of wordsmithing on my part is going to make you
As always, there's the spread of LPs across the floor –
stuff I've never heard of before – but... but... BUT! On the Zu-modified
Technics SL1200 spun... RUSH. I nearly fell over. Sean was playing Moving
Pictures. I know! The universe promptly warped and I fell headlong
through a hole in time and space.

---> Click here for
part 2 of the Capitol
Audiofest 2012 show report.