Montreal Salon Audio / Montreal Audio Fest 2017 Show Report
Part 4 Show Report By Rick Becker
Please forgive the
dearth of photos as I was unable to charge my still camera batteries on Saturday
night. Some of my best experiences were in the upcoming rooms, and fortunately
my video notes help me to share them with you.
On The Lower Level
After leaving the
Angry Birds in Fontaine E, I walked straight across the hall into Longueuil
where The Gramophone Distribution Company had
set up a very impressive display with ATC
to compare active vs. passive loudspeaker performance. ATC not only makes
speakers, but amplifiers as well, so they were able to compare the same
floorstanding model driven both ways — with internal amps and an external amp
of their own manufacture. It is often said that active speakers are the best way
to go, but there is strong resistance among audiophiles who like to be in
control of their choices of components as their knowledge about the hobby grows
over the years. Then too, I’ve never seen an active speaker with a tube amp
inside — short of a guitar amp/speaker combination, that is.
Active speakers
are far more popular on the Pro Audio and recording studio side of the music
equation. And while active speakers can dramatically reduce the equipment
necessary in a rig, they still require a cable for power. In fact, (not an
alternative fact), I recall seeing a demonstration of the Goldmund Logos Tower
where music was sent wirelessly to the active speakers from a laptop to an
active speaker with no traditional system involved at all. This concept fits
right in with today’s younger generations who prefer to own less "stuff".
The active ATC
speaker was $14,000 while the passive version was $7600, but when you
add the cost of the ATC integrated amplifier at $6500, it brings the combination
back up to just over $14,000. As Bryan Taylor
of The Gramophone Distribution Co. said, you could go with a less expensive
amplifier if you were satisfied with the quality. So what were the audible
differences? With the active I heard better soundstaging, more presence, better
separation of the multiple singers’ voices, and clearer upper mids and high
frequencies. That’s what individual amplifiers on each of the three drivers
get you in this instance with amps optimized for the drivers they power, and
having the amps in very close proximity to the drivers. There are other ways to
achieve similar results, of course. That’s what makes the hobby so interesting
and expensive — and keeps us buying more equipment in our quest for hearing
music that really moves us.
Bryan Taylor did
an excellent job here repeating the comparison over and over as the crowd in the
room continuously evolved because of their open door policy. Often times at
shows the presenter will use a closed door policy, forcing people to wait
outside for the next scripted presentation. This was certainly a lot more work
for Bryan, and he handled it masterfully. This was another of the Most
Fun Rooms at the show. While it wasn’t a double blind comparison, I
think his method educated people on the differences and sped up the learning
curve for those who might be less experienced critical listeners.
Also in the
Longueuil room was Marten Mingus
speakers ($65,000) driven by a high end Luxman
rig resting on a very nice looking metal and wood series of racks. This too, was
a rare opportunity. It featured a D-06u SACD player with USB and DSD ($8495), a
C-700u Control Pre-Amplifier ($8995) and on a separate amp stand, an M-700u
Stereo power amp (120 Wpc, Class AB), also $8995. The Perpetuum
Ebneer PE 4040 belt drive turntable from Germany is unusual in that
the gloss black armboard seems to be separated from the platter and plinth, but
a hinged dust cover covers both parts. I’m told this was a brand that was
somewhat popular back in the 1960’s, though I don’t remember it at all. It
was equipped with a modest Hana
cartridge and was connected with a Luxman EQ-500 Vacuum Tube Phono Equalizer
Amplifier ($6495) capable of handling three
tonearms with full adjustment for each cartridge. There are not many
phono stages out there that can do this.
Not present was
their E-250 Phono Stage for $2295. And on silent display when I was in the room,
was their L-550AX Mk II integrated amp ($6495) that puts out 20 Wpc in pure
Class A. Cabling, I believe was by Luna Cables.
This was a wonderful combination that brought the Marten speaker into a warmer
and more inviting sound than I’ve heard in the past from other models. The
Gramophone is the Canadian importer for Marten and ATC, as well as being a
high-end retailer for many top brands in their store in Alberta. They also
specialize in high end musical instruments, shown by appointment only at their
Studio location. These folks are really into music!
Next door in the
Pointe aux Trembles room was retailer Audiophile
Experts driving what looked like Focal
Sopra 2 floorstanders with Esoteric
components and a VPI Prime as
another front end. Descriptions for the Purist
Audio Design Poseidon cable on a table were in French, so I didn’t
get any details here, other than noticing that they looked expensive. They sell in the US for $1240.
In the corner
room, Jacques Cartier, hosted by Zidel
Marketing I encountered Iso-Max black
boxes with RCA inputs and outputs that break the ground, shifting the signal
from electrical to magnetic, thus eliminating ground loop hum. They start at $70
USD and range up to $300, depending on your needs. I believe these were handled
by Son Ultime. Sounds like a
solution to somebody’s problem. The main attraction here was the huge and very
efficient Tannoy Kingdom Royal
speakers ($90,000) that did a very chesty version of someone covering Dylan’s "Man With A Long Black
Coat". Surprisingly, these efficient speakers were
driven by Krell electronics with a
powerful amplifier sitting on its own amp stand. No clipping was heard and the
sound was very well resolved and dynamic with a low noise floor, likely helped
by a Bryston power conditioner in
the bottom of the rack. The rig was laced together with WireWorld
cables. While some might say the sound was not accurate, for me, it was very
inviting — and I’m not a solid state kind of guy.

On my way out the
door of Jacques Cartier my eye caught site of this large, but not too large,
Tannoy speaker that pressed a button reminding me of my early Altec Voice of the
Theater days. It is Tannoy’s
Arden, a new and not yet released dual concentric model, named after a similar
model from many years ago (1970’s?), and the only one in North America. I told
them I only needed one for my dedicated mono rig but they still wouldn’t let
me take it home for review. The Arden is the first model of a new Legacy series
with two smaller versions coming afterward. (Stay tuned — this could be very
interesting!) Price for the Arden is guesstimated at $10,000 to 12,000 USD. The
gold plate below the drivers is a crossover trim plate and contains slight
adjustments for the tweeter and the roll-off. I’m not sure if that is a 15"
or an 18" cone, but it is big. If it could transport me back to my youth, it
would be worth the price of admission.

In the outer
corner of the hall in Fontaine G I came across the very
High-End retailer Wynn Audio with
what seemed like a replay of their TAVES presentation with the tall Tidal
Audio Sunray speakers ($185,000) but closer inspection revealed Wynn
has brought in a new line that competes with the more expensive Goldmund line he
showed at TAVES, but at a lower price point. Karan
Acoustics were sourced from Serbia and included their L Mk3 preamp
($13,000), Ph1 Phonostage ($20,000) and S 600 stereo amplifier ($40,000). The S
600 puts out 600 Wpc in Class A, but still runs very cool to the touch. Wynn
explained that the bias level is set very low on the output transistors for
normal listening, but it adjusts the bias in real time to the music so when a
lot of current is needed, the amp ramps up the bias to a higher level. And yes,
I touched it, and it does run
The literature
talks of gold plated circuit boards and at 176 lbs., you will need help to move
it. The digital front end from Switzerland was a Goldmund
Eidos 36U+ CD player ($48,000) and the analog front end, also from Switzerland,
was the Thales TTT-Compact II
Turntable ($18,800) with a very exclusive gold plated Thales Simplicity II
Tonearm ($12,500). Also on the racks was a pair of Entreq grounding boxes: the Olympus Tellus ($12,000) and the
Poseidon ($6500). Wynn carried the Entreq years ago, but got away from it. This
grounding box has seen a surge of interest in recent years and Entreq contacted
Wynn again and asked him to be their Canadian distributor. Cabling in the rig
was probably from ZenSati, a
jewelry-line cable line he carries.
In one of the
display cases a Karan i180 Mk II integrated amplifier ($10,000) putting out 180
Wpc into 8 Ohms caught my attention, looking low and lean like my late, lamented
Tandberg, but also looking a lot cleaner in style. The display cases had a wide
assortment of interesting pieces on display. Acoustic
Revive power box and USB noise filter were among the goodies I saw. Flux
HiFi had an interesting hand-held LP brush with a built-in vacuum
cleaner and an ultrasonic stylus cleaner.
G is a tough room to show in. It does a zig-zag as you walk in and it is long
and narrow. Wynn divided the space with a curtain behind the speakers, but the
sound here was not up to his usual standard. I’ve never heard really great
sound in this room, so the fact that Wynn could generate the level of quality he
did and attract an attentive crowd is very much to his credit. Every other place
I’ve heard his presentation has been of the highest quality, but here he had
an uphill battle. If you liked it here, you will probably like it even more when
you get it home.
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