KL International AV Show 2017 Report
Kuala Lumpur International AV 2017 Show
KLIAV 2017 Show Report By Christopher Tan
KLAV 2017 is hosted at a new location this year, Sunway Putra hotel. The show spanned two large cavernous halls on the main hotel lobby and an entire floor featuring over sixty Hi-Fi dealers from Malaysia representing international brands and even manufacturers from Asia.
Show Highlights

Despite the bustle of the main hall where Swedish Statement's room is, it is an oasis of calm and quiet. Perfect for them to demonstrate their reference system. A pair of stunning monoliths, Chario's flagship Academy Serendipity loudspeakers commands the visual presence of the minimalist room being powered by Vitus Audio Signature series SS-103 power amplifier, MP-L201 Line stage, RCD-101 CD player. Jorma design interconnects, Furutech Daytona 303 power filter, speaker cables and power cables connects the equipment together to weave a spell binding performance.

Threatening to steal the visual feast was Sperling Audio's High Mass turntable L-1, pity it wasn't hooked up though it was on standby with Vitus Audio's SP-102 Phono stage.

Devialet is out in full force with both their Phantom Gold with various accoutrements such as stands and carry case showing that they can mix with the big home Hi-Fi brethren playing loud. Compared to the rest of the show, the show goers in this room were younger and seem to be enthralled by something so compact is so loud and do not skimp on bass.

Across the room facing the phantoms were the polished Devialet amplifiers and a sight for eyes sore & jaded by a multitude of rectangle boxes all purpose with no form, the
AvanteGarde Uno XD in "Saona Beach Cream" coloured horns and White satin enclosures. Onward to the next room.

Perfect Hi-Fi's room have Sonus Faber's Amati Tradition are on demo with Acoustic Research's Reference CD9 cd player, Reference 6 pre & GS150 amplifier. They are wired by Nordost Valhalla range of speaker cables, interconnects and Odin power cords.

CMY Audio has perhaps the largest room in the show and rightly so as they carry a cornucopia of brands. Naim's statement NAPS1 & NACS1 pre/power stood in the entrance to welcome all that dare enter.
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